connected climate actions

flexible pricing


estimate your price for benefyd

how many employees? More Info

number of employees

number of employees in your company informs pricing model.


one time setup cost

getting everyone onboard and establishing a baseline for each employee represents a significant lift for our team. the one-time fee covers this initial effort.


contact us

Enterprise pricing is available for companies with more than 200 employees.


pioneer partners

here’s the deal- we need some like minded “frynds” to get better with. you get to show authentic leadership and be a hero to your team with our full support (at a sweet price!) and we get your honest feedback to make our product better for you and others. come on…you know you want to do it!


billing cycle: monthly annual

estimated total

one time setup

each month

<!– Hiding Calling All Trailblazers section

calling all trailblazers! ​

we would like to welcome a select few to join us as pioneer partners.More Info


start your free trial