
Worth personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $49,090

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $40
ENERGY Electrician $140
ENERGY Insulation $250
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Worth, IL, located in Cook County, has a population of approximately 10,789. Known for its friendly community, it boasts the beautiful Water's Edge Golf Club and scenic parks like Altman Park. The town's history dates back to 1914, marking over a century of growth and development. Worth's local economy thrives with a mix of small businesses and services, and it is part of the Chicago metropolitan area, offering residents easy access to the city's amenities while maintaining a small-town charm. Annual events, such as the Worth Days Festival, foster a strong sense of community, making Worth a desirable place to live in Illinois.

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energy icon


In Worth, IL, energy efficiency has been a growing focus, with an emphasis on reducing reliance on non-renewable resources and cutting down emissions. The municipality has encouraged the adoption of LED lighting in public spaces, reducing energy consumption significantly. Residential solar panel installations have been incentivized, leading to an increase in clean energy adoption among homeowners. Businesses in Worth have been participating in energy audit programs, resulting in optimized energy usage and the implementation of energy-saving technologies. Worth has also seen the introduction of smart grid technologies to enhance energy distribution efficiency. Community education programs have been pivotal in spreading awareness about energy conservation practices. Subsidies for energy-efficient appliances have made them more accessible to the public, further contributing to reduced energy consumption. The town has invested in renewable energy sources, with a particular interest in solar and wind power, to supplement its energy matrix. Energy performance contracting has been utilized allowing public facilities to upgrade their energy systems with no upfront costs. Worth's commitment to energy efficiency is also evident in its building codes, which have been updated to reflect higher standards for insulation and energy usage.

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In Worth, IL, water efficiency has become a critical aspect of the town's sustainability efforts, with measures in place to conserve water and protect local waterways. The municipality has upgraded its water infrastructure to reduce leaks and conserve water. Residents have been encouraged to use water-efficient appliances through rebate programs, which have seen a positive response. Rain barrel distribution has been a significant initiative in promoting rainwater harvesting for gardening and landscaping, easing the pressure on the municipal water supply. Worth's water treatment facilities have been upgraded with modern technologies to ensure clean drinking water and efficient wastewater processing. Educational programs in schools and community centers focus on water conservation, teaching the value of preserving this vital resource. Low-flow fixtures in public buildings and homes are becoming more prevalent, thanks to awareness campaigns and incentivization. Landscape ordinances have been revised to promote xeriscaping and the use of native, drought-resistant plants. Water quality monitoring programs ensure the health of local water bodies, protecting aquatic life and the environment. The community's active participation in river clean-up and habitat restoration events reflects the town's commitment to maintaining a healthy water ecosystem.

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Transportation in Worth, IL, has undergone significant enhancements to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact. The town has been working towards creating a more walkable and bike-friendly community with new bike lanes, trails, and pedestrian paths. Public transportation options have been expanded, with increased bus routes and schedules to serve more residents and reduce the number of cars on the road. Worth has also invested in the installation of electric vehicle charging stations, supporting the transition to electric vehicles (EVs). A local campaign to promote carpooling and ride-sharing has been well-received, helping to reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles. Efforts to implement transportation demand management (TDM) strategies have resulted in flexible work schedules and telecommuting options, further reducing the need for daily commutes. The town has seen a rise in the use of fuel-efficient municipal vehicles, as part of its commitment to lower carbon emissions. Traffic flow improvements, including smart traffic signals and roundabouts, have made transportation more efficient and reduced idling times. Public outreach and education initiatives continue to emphasize the importance of sustainable transportation and its role in mitigating climate change.

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Worth, IL, has been proactive in its approach to waste management, aiming to minimize landfill use and encourage recycling and composting. The town has implemented a robust curbside recycling program that accepts a broad range of materials, ensuring that recyclables are conveniently collected from residents. The local government has partnered with waste management companies to offer e-waste recycling events, diverting hazardous materials from landfills. Worth has established a composting initiative, encouraging residents to compost organic waste, which has reduced the volume of waste sent to landfills and provided nutrient-rich soil amendments for local gardening projects. An active campaign is underway to reduce single-use plastics through educational programs and the promotion of reusable alternatives. Businesses in Worth are encouraged to audit their waste streams and practice waste reduction strategies. A pay-as-you-throw system incentivizes residents to reduce household waste, with variable pricing based on the amount of non-recyclable waste generated. The town has also provided support for local upcycling and reuse centers, fostering a circular economy within the community. Worth's waste reduction efforts are aimed at achieving a long-term sustainability goal, aligning with broader environmental conservation efforts.