
Waipahu personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Waipahu, HI, originally a sugar plantation town, is a residential community in the Ewa District of Oahu. Known for its rich Filipino heritage, it houses the Hawaii's Plantation Village museum. With a diverse population and a history dating back to the 1890s, Waipahu is a melting pot of cultures, featuring authentic cuisine and local shops. The city, named after an artesian spring, has evolved into a vibrant suburb of Honolulu, offering residents and visitors a glimpse into Hawaii's past while providing modern amenities.

incentives available in Waipahu for...
energy icon


In Waipahu, Hawaii, energy efficiency has been a focus area due to the state's reliance on imported fossil fuels. Residents and businesses are encouraged to utilize renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, through federal and state tax incentives. The Hawaii Energy program offers rebates and incentives for making energy-efficient upgrades to lighting, appliances, and cooling systems. Additionally, the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative aims to achieve 100% clean energy by 2045. Energy-efficient building codes ensure new constructions adhere to high performance standards. The adoption of smart grid technologies is slowly transforming how energy is managed, with Waipahu residents participating in demand response programs to reduce peak load. LED streetlights have replaced traditional lighting, reducing municipal energy consumption. Local businesses often conduct energy audits to identify ways to save energy and cut costs, contributing to the overall energy efficiency of the community.

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Water efficiency in Waipahu is critical, given Hawaii's isolated location and the need to preserve fresh water resources. The Board of Water Supply (BWS) manages the island's water system and encourages conservation through various programs and incentives, such as the Water Conservation Week Poster and Poetry Contest, which raises awareness among the younger population. Leak detection and repair programs help to reduce water loss significantly. Rain barrels are promoted among residents to capture and reuse rainwater for irrigation. Rebates for water-efficient appliances, such as high-efficiency toilets and showerheads, are offered to residents to reduce indoor water usage. Xeriscaping, the practice of using native, drought-resistant plants in landscaping, is advocated to minimize irrigation needs. Educational outreach programs teach the community about water-saving practices and the importance of protecting watersheds. BWS also invests in infrastructure to ensure the efficiency and sustainability of water delivery systems.

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Transportation efficiency in Waipahu is being addressed through multiple initiatives aimed at reducing traffic congestion and lowering carbon emissions. The Honolulu Rail Transit Project, when completed, will include a station in Waipahu and provide an alternative to driving, significantly alleviating traffic on the H-1 Freeway and other major roads. The city also promotes the use of TheBus, Honolulu's public bus service, and the Waipahu Transit Center acts as a key hub. There is a push for creating more walkable communities and bike-friendly infrastructure, encouraging residents to opt for healthier and more sustainable modes of transport. Car-sharing services and electric vehicle charging stations are becoming more widespread, with state incentives in place for the purchase of electric and hybrid vehicles. Efforts to modernize the transportation fleet with cleaner fuels and more efficient vehicles are ongoing. The state's Clean Energy Initiative also targets a reduction in the use of fossil fuels for ground transportation.

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Waste management in Waipahu is characterized by its efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle, with numerous programs in place to divert waste from landfills. The '' website, run by the City and County of Honolulu, provides resources for residents to learn about recycling, bulky item pickup, and proper waste disposal. Special attention is given to electronic waste, with designated drop-off points discouraging improper disposal. Green waste collection encourages composting and mulching, turning yard trimmings into useful garden material. The curbside blue bin recycling program allows for the convenient recycling of mixed paper, cardboard, and certain plastics and metals. Local non-profits and environmental groups often host community clean-up events and waste education programs. Businesses in Waipahu are also urged to adopt waste reduction practices, and some participate in the Hawai'i Green Business Program. Efforts to move towards zero waste emphasize the importance of minimizing single-use plastics and adopting a circular economy mindset.