
Turlock personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $50,458

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $15400
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $35
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $35
ENERGY Electrician $160
ENERGY Door and Window $3
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $35
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4675
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $200

city facts

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residential energy savings


Turlock, CA, is a vibrant city in Stanislaus County with a population of around 73,000. Known for its agricultural roots, Turlock is home to California State University, Stanislaus, and hosts the annual Stanislaus County Fair. The city has a rich cultural diversity, a robust educational system, and expanding business opportunities, making it an important hub in the Central Valley. It boasts a charming historic downtown with a variety of shops and restaurants. Turlock is also recognized for its commitment to community and recreational programs, offering numerous parks and sports facilities.

incentives available in Turlock for...
energy icon


Turlock, CA, has been progressively improving its energy efficiency through various means. The city encourages the adoption of solar energy by providing incentives to homeowners and businesses for installing solar panels. This has led to a substantial increase in the number of solar-powered homes and facilities. Local utility companies offer rebates for energy-efficient appliances and conduct energy audits to help residents and business owners reduce consumption. LED streetlights have been adopted city-wide, reducing municipal energy usage. There is also a push to improve insulation in buildings, aiming to decrease heating and cooling demands. The city's active participation in the statewide 'Cool California Challenge' has spurred community efforts to reduce carbon footprints. Moreover, innovation in energy storage and smart grid technology is increasingly supported, ensuring more efficient energy use and distribution.

energy icon


Water efficiency is a critical issue for Turlock, given the city's location in the water-stressed Central Valley of California. Turlock has been investing in water-saving infrastructure, such as upgraded irrigation systems in public spaces, to reduce water consumption. Rebate programs are available for residents who install low-flow toilets and water-efficient landscaping. The city has adopted strict watering schedules to conserve water and reduce runoff. There is an ongoing effort to repair and replace aging water pipes to prevent leaks and save water. Water reclamation and the use of recycled water for non-potable applications are being expanded. The Turlock Groundwater Basin Association works collaboratively to protect and sustain the local groundwater supply. Education on water conservation remains a priority, with resources provided to schools and community groups.

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Transportation efficiency in Turlock has seen improvements as the city encourages the use of public transit and alternative transportation modes. The Turlock Transit system provides local bus services, and there are initiatives to increase ridership through improved routes and schedules. Bicycle lanes and pedestrian pathways are progressively being expanded to foster a bike-friendly and walkable city environment. Programs such as 'Safe Routes to School' have been implemented to promote walking and biking among students. The city has installed electric vehicle (EV) charging stations to support the transition to cleaner transportation options. Ride-sharing services and carpool programs are advocated to decrease the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road. Efforts to reduce traffic congestion are also in place, which not only improves transportation efficiency but also reduces transportation-related emissions.

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In terms of waste management, Turlock has implemented comprehensive recycling programs to minimize waste and promote sustainability. The city's 'single-stream' recycling system allows residents to place all recyclables in one container, simplifying the process and increasing participation rates. Initiatives to expand organic waste composting are in place to divert food and yard waste from landfills. The city has also focused on educating the public about proper waste disposal and the importance of reducing waste at the source. Local businesses are encouraged to use environmentally friendly packaging and reduce single-use plastics. Hazardous waste disposal events are regularly organized to ensure safe and proper disposal of such materials. Waste-to-energy projects are being evaluated to explore the potential of converting non-recyclable waste into energy.