
Tulsa personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,684

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Electrician $2
ENERGY Insulation $8
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $400

city facts

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residential energy savings


Tulsa, Oklahoma, nestled in the state's northeastern region, is known for its rich oil heritage, vibrant arts scene, and Art Deco architecture. Once called the "Oil Capital of the World," Tulsa boasts the Gilcrease Museum with its extensive collection of American Western art and artifacts. The city's music legacy lives on through the Tulsa Sound and notable venues like Cain's Ballroom. The Philbrook Museum of Art showcases nine acres of beautiful gardens and a historic home. Tulsa also emphasizes green spaces with the River Parks system and the Gathering Place, a transformative public park. The city's economy now thrives on a diversified base that includes energy, aerospace, and technology sectors. With a population of around 400,000, Tulsa is the second-largest city in Oklahoma and serves as a cultural and economic hub for the region.

incentives available in Tulsa for...
energy icon


Tulsa, Oklahoma has been focusing on improving energy efficiency through various initiatives and incentive programs aimed at both residents and businesses. The city has prioritized the adoption of renewable energy sources, with solar energy installations becoming increasingly common. Local utilities offer rebates and incentives for energy-efficient appliances and home energy audits, encouraging homeowners to reduce consumption. Additionally, energy performance contracting is a tool Tulsa uses to retrofit municipal buildings with more energy-efficient systems. LED streetlight conversion is another project that has not only cut down energy use but also reduced maintenance costs. Public-private partnerships have also been established to advance energy efficiency projects in commercial sectors. Various educational programs have been implemented to increase community awareness about the benefits of energy conservation. Businesses have access to commercial energy efficiency incentives, which help offset costs associated with upgrading to more efficient technologies. Tulsa's commitment to energy efficiency is also reflected in its building codes that mandate certain standards for new constructions and renovations. Efforts to integrate smart grid technologies are underway, aiming to enhance the management of the city's electrical grid and contribute to further energy savings.

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Tulsa, Oklahoma has made considerable advancements in water efficiency and management. The city employs a robust water conservation program that includes tiered water pricing, designed to encourage conservation among high-volume users. Rebate programs are in place for water-efficient appliances and fixtures as an incentive for residents to reduce their water usage at home. Additionally, Tulsa has invested in updating its water infrastructure, actively replacing old pipes and reducing leakage rates to prevent water loss. Rainwater harvesting is supported through educational initiatives and by facilitating the collection and use of rainwater for landscaping purposes. The city has also focused on water quality protection, enhancing stormwater management to prevent pollutants from entering waterways. There are strict regulations for industrial discharges to safeguard the water supply. Tulsa's urban planning includes green infrastructure development, such as bioswales and rain gardens, to manage runoff and preserve water quality. Educational outreach programs are aimed at fostering a culture of water conservation among citizens. These various measures reflect Tulsa's commitment to sustainable water management and ensuring a resilient water future for the city.

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Tulsa has been actively working on improving transportation efficiency, with a focus on creating a more sustainable and accessible transportation network. The city has invested in expanding and modernizing its public transit system, including upgrading bus fleets to more energy-efficient models and improving route efficiency. Tulsa's 'GO Plan' is an initiative aimed at enhancing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, making non-motorized transit a more viable option for residents. The introduction of bike-share programs further supports this goal, adding convenience for those opting for eco-friendly travel modes. Efforts to develop a more integrated transportation system include the implementation of real-time information technology for public transit, allowing users to better plan their travel. Tulsa has also collaborated with ride-sharing services to fill transit gaps, providing more comprehensive coverage. The city incentivizes the use of electric vehicles (EVs) through the installation of EV charging stations and potential tax benefits. Commuter programs encourage people to carpool or use alternative forms of transportation to reduce congestion and emissions. Tulsa's transportation planning prioritizes reducing dependency on single-occupancy vehicles and instead promotes a multimodal approach that benefits the environment and residents' well-being.

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Tulsa's waste management strategy emphasizes reducing waste generation, promoting recycling, and proper disposal of hazardous materials. The city has implemented a comprehensive recycling program that accepts various materials, including plastics, paper, glass, and metals. Curbside recycling services have been made convenient to increase participation rates among residents. Tulsa also hosts household pollutant collection events, allowing for the safe disposal of items like paints, batteries, and electronic waste. Zero-waste initiatives targeting businesses and events have gained traction, aiming to minimize landfill contributions. The city endorses composting as a waste reduction method, offering education on composting practices and encouraging the establishment of community composting centers. Yard waste is collected separately and turned into mulch, which is available for free to residents. To incentivize construction waste recycling, the city has policies that encourage or require the reuse of materials during demolition and construction projects. Efforts to combat food waste are also evident through partnerships with local food banks and restaurants to redirect excess food to those in need. Tulsa continues to strategize on waste diversion goals to minimize environmental impacts and encourage sustainable practices.