
Tooele personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $78,618

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $70
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $212
ENERGY Electrician $1300
ENERGY Door and Window $6
ENERGY Insulation $2050
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $70
ENERGY $3250
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $7900
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Tooele, UT, nestled in the Oquirrh Mountains, is known for its rich history in mining and railroad. The city features the Tooele Army Depot, famous for its storage of WWII munitions, and the Miller Motorsports Park, a state-of-the-art racing facility. Deseret Peak Complex offers various recreational activities, and the annual Tooele Arts Festival showcases local talent. With a growing population and proximity to Salt Lake City, Tooele is a blend of heritage and development.

incentives available in Tooele for...
energy icon


Tooele, UT has made strides in improving its energy efficiency through several initiatives. The city has embraced renewable energy sources, with solar panel installations becoming more commonplace, bolstered by the state's tax incentives for solar energy adoption. Local businesses and homeowners have taken advantage of these incentives, leading to a significant increase in solar power generation. Energy efficiency programs have also been promoted, with grants and rebates available for upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and lighting. Efforts have been made to retrofit public buildings with energy-saving technologies, minimizing municipal energy consumption. The utility company serving Tooele offers energy audits to help residents understand their energy usage and implement conservation measures. Despite these advances, Tooele, like many cities, still grapples with the challenge of transitioning fully away from fossil fuels. Nonetheless, the community's growing commitment to energy conservation measures is evident and ongoing.

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Water efficiency is a critical issue for Tooele, given its location in a state with some of the most arid regions in the United States. The city has invested in water conservation measures, such as upgrading to water-efficient fixtures in municipal buildings and promoting xeriscaping among residents. Tooele's water utility has implemented tiered pricing to encourage conservation, charging higher rates for increased usage. Reclaimed water programs have been developed to repurpose wastewater for non-potable uses, alleviating pressure on freshwater resources. Public outreach programs educate citizens on the importance of water conservation, providing tips for reducing water use at home. Tooele also enforces water restrictions during drought conditions, ensuring that water use is prioritized for the most essential needs. These efforts contribute to a broader strategy of sustainable water management within the community.

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Transportation efficiency in Tooele has been enhanced through various initiatives emphasizing both infrastructure and service improvements. The city has worked to expand its public transportation options, including more efficient bus services that connect residents with key locations within the city and beyond. Bike lanes and pedestrian pathways have been developed to promote alternative and environmentally friendly modes of transport. Carpool programs have been incentivized, and the city has considered options for electric vehicle charging stations to support the adoption of electric cars. Tooele's location along major transportation corridors has led to investments in road improvements to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow. Moreover, planning efforts are focused on integrating transportation efficiency into future development to ensure sustainable growth. These measures reflect Tooele’s forward-looking approach to transportation, aiming to reduce carbon emissions and enhance mobility for all residents.

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Waste management in Tooele has seen improvements aimed at reducing the environmental impact of waste. The city operates robust recycling programs to minimize landfill contribution, encouraging residents to sort and recycle plastics, paper, glass, and metals. Local waste management authorities have implemented educational campaigns to increase community awareness and participation in recycling efforts. Additionally, the city has incentivized the diversion of organic waste from landfills through composting programs, which have both reduced greenhouse gas emissions from waste and provided valuable soil amendments for local gardening and landscaping. Electronic waste recycling events are periodically hosted to safely dispose of e-waste. Though challenged by the logistics of rural waste management, Tooele is actively exploring new technologies and systems to further enhance the efficiency of waste services and decrease the overall waste footprint.