Map/North Carolina/Thomasville

Thomasville personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $42,430

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4650
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $600
ENERGY Insulation $200
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Thomasville, NC, known for its iconic Big Chair, is a city steeped in furniture-making history. Founded in 1852 and located in Davidson County, it was a significant railroad hub. Today, Thomasville celebrates its heritage through annual events like the Everybody's Day Festival and maintains a strong community spirit with a population of around 27,000. The city blends its rich past with modern industry, including manufacturing and healthcare, contributing to its economic stability.

incentives available in Thomasville for...
energy icon


Thomasville, North Carolina, has been actively working towards energy efficiency with a range of initiatives. The city has incentivized the adoption of energy-efficient appliances and lighting in both residential and commercial sectors, offering rebates and assistance programs for upgrades. Efforts have also been made to encourage the installation of smart thermostats, which can dramatically reduce energy consumption. Local government buildings have set the standard by integrating energy management systems to monitor and control energy use. Solar energy has seen a significant uptick, with numerous homes and businesses taking advantage of state tax credits for solar panel installations. The local utility company has also implemented tiered pricing to encourage off-peak energy use, further reducing the overall energy demand. Thomasville's commitment to energy conservation is also seen in the education programs offered in schools, focusing on the importance of energy efficiency and sustainability. Additionally, energy audits are provided for residents, helping to identify ways to conserve energy and reduce utility bills. The city has also participated in tree-planting programs, recognizing the role of greenery in conserving energy by providing shade and reducing the urban heat island effect.

energy icon


Thomasville's water efficiency initiatives reflect a commitment to sustainable water use and conservation. The city's water infrastructure has been upgraded with modern, efficient systems to reduce leakage and water loss. Residential and commercial water audits are available, assisting users in identifying ways to conserve water. Incentive programs encourage the installation of low-flow fixtures, such as toilets, showerheads, and faucets, across the community. Rainwater harvesting systems are promoted, along with the use of drought-resistant landscaping, to decrease dependency on municipal water supplies. Irrigation schedules are regulated to optimize water usage based on the season and weather conditions. Thomasville has invested in advanced metering infrastructure, providing real-time water usage data to consumers, which helps in promptly detecting leaks and promoting conscious water consumption. Educational outreach programs emphasize the importance of water conservation, and the city has engaged in public awareness campaigns on how individual actions can impact water efficiency. The wastewater treatment facility employs state-of-the-art technology to ensure that reclaimed water meets high-quality standards, enabling safe reuse for various non-potable purposes.

energy icon


Thomasville has taken strides to enhance transportation efficiency within the city. Efforts have been made to improve public transit options, making them more attractive and convenient for residents. The city has expanded its network of bike lanes and walking paths, promoting active transport that reduces reliance on motor vehicles. Local ordinances have been updated to support the development of pedestrian-friendly areas, particularly in the downtown region, fostering a walkable community. Car-sharing programs and incentives for electric vehicle (EV) ownership, including charging station installations, are part of the city's strategy to decrease transportation-related emissions. Commuter programs encourage carpooling and the use of public transportation, with benefits such as preferred parking for carpool vehicles. The city has been involved in regional planning to enhance connectivity and reduce travel times for residents commuting to larger nearby cities for work. To streamline traffic flow and reduce congestion, Thomasville has implemented smart traffic management systems that adjust signals based on real-time traffic conditions. Additionally, efforts to rejuvenate local commerce aim to reduce the need for out-of-town shopping trips, thereby cutting transportation demand.

energy icon


Waste management in Thomasville is designed around reducing, reusing, and recycling, aiming to minimize the environmental footprint. The city has established a comprehensive curbside recycling program that accepts a broad variety of materials, making recycling easy and accessible for residents. There is also a strong emphasis on community education regarding proper waste disposal and the benefits of recycling. To reduce waste at its source, the city has supported local businesses in implementing packaging reduction strategies. Special waste collection events are organized to safely dispose of hazardous materials that cannot be collected through regular waste services. Yard waste and organic material collection programs are in place to divert green waste from landfills, creating compost that is used for community landscaping projects. Thomasville has actively sought partnerships with organizations to expand waste diversion opportunities, such as textile recycling and electronic waste recycling programs. Efforts to monitor and optimize waste collection routes have improved efficiency, reducing the carbon footprint of waste management services. The city also monitors landfill space and has implemented long-term waste reduction strategies to ensure sustainability.