
Taylor personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $42,290

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $150
ENERGY Electrician $645
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $400

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residential energy savings


Taylor, MI, a city in Wayne County, is known for its diverse population, strong industrial base, and community-oriented values. Established in 1847, it's evolved into a vibrant suburban community. Taylor boasts Heritage Park, a regional shopping hub at Southland Center, and is home to the annual Taylor Summer Festival. The city has invested in education, housing, and public safety, striving to maintain a high quality of life for its over 60,000 residents.

incentives available in Taylor for...
energy icon


Taylor, Michigan, has made concerted efforts to improve energy efficiency across the community. The city has implemented LED lighting retrofits in municipal buildings and streetlights to reduce electricity consumption. Solar panel installations have seen a modest uptick, supported by state incentives and net metering policies that encourage renewable energy adoption. Residential programs for energy audits and rebates for energy-efficient appliances have been well-received, contributing to lower household energy usage. Commercial and industrial sectors are also encouraged to upgrade to energy-saving technologies through various financial incentives. The city promotes the construction of energy-efficient buildings, with several projects achieving LEED certification. Energy education campaigns have raised awareness on conservation practices, helping to shift local attitudes towards energy savings. Additionally, energy assistance programs aid low-income households in managing their energy costs more effectively.

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Water conservation and efficiency in Taylor remain pivotal considerations for the city's management of this vital resource. The city's infrastructure has seen upgrades to reduce water loss through leaks and aging pipes, with an emphasis on proactive maintenance and monitoring. A tiered water pricing system encourages residents to conserve water. Landscaping ordinances have been revised to promote the use of native plants and xeriscaping, which require less irrigation. Rain barrel distribution and education programs incentivize residents to collect rainwater for non-potable uses, easing the strain on municipal water supplies. New developments are encouraged to incorporate green infrastructure, like bioswales and rain gardens, to manage stormwater naturally and recharge aquifers. Public outreach campaigns highlight water-saving tips for households and businesses alike. Water-efficient fixtures are promoted through rebate programs, and the city conducts regular water quality testing to ensure a safe supply for its citizens.

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Transportation in Taylor has seen advancements aimed at improving efficiency and reducing congestion. The city has invested in its public transportation system to provide more reliable and frequent service, including bus routes that connect residents to key destinations. Park and ride facilities support the use of public transit by offering convenient parking for those who commute from outside the city. Bike lanes and pedestrian paths have been expanded, making non-motorized transport safer and more accessible. Road infrastructure improvements have streamlined traffic flow and reduced idling, curtailing emissions from vehicles. A program to renew the city fleet with more fuel-efficient vehicles has been initiated, which includes the exploration of electric vehicle options. Car-sharing services and electric vehicle charging stations are emerging, backed by both public and private investment. The city promotes remote work policies and flexible hours to help reduce rush hour traffic volumes. Transportation planning incorporates sustainable principles, aligning with broader environmental goals.

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Waste management in Taylor has seen improvements through enhanced recycling programs, waste diversion strategies, and community education. The city has expanded its curbside recycling services, including single-stream recycling which simplifies the process for residents. A local recycling center serves as a drop-off point for materials not collected curbside, including electronics and hazardous waste. There are also initiatives to combat illegal dumping and to encourage responsible disposal of large items. Yard waste collection and composting are emphasized seasonally to divert organics from the landfill. Businesses are supported in waste reduction efforts through waste audits and the promotion of environmentally friendly practices. Events like hazardous waste collection days and city clean-ups engage the public in maintaining a clean and healthy environment. The city has also focused on waste-to-energy projects to harness renewable energy from municipal waste.