
Susanville personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $43,971

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $9000
ENERGY Plumbing $120
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $225
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $135
ENERGY Electrician $161
ENERGY Door and Window $1000
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $225
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4450
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

city facts

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residential energy savings


Susanville, CA, nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains, is the county seat of Lassen County. Renowned for its rich history as a logging and mining town, this community of approximately 15,000 residents is home to the High Desert State Prison and California Correctional Center, major local employers. Outdoor enthusiasts enjoy exploring the nearby Lassen Volcanic National Park and Eagle Lake. Susanville's historical gems include the Lassen Historical Museum and Roop's Fort, a reminder of its pioneer past. The town's elevation at about 4,200 feet offers four distinct seasons, with cold, snowy winters and warm summers, ideal for year-round recreation.

incentives available in Susanville for...
energy icon


In Susanville, CA, strides have been made towards improving energy efficiency. The town has adopted various green initiatives including the installation of solar panels on municipal buildings. Local businesses and residents are incentivized to switch to renewable energy sources through tax credits and rebates. Moreover, LED streetlights have replaced older, less efficient bulbs, significantly reducing municipal energy consumption. Energy audits are offered to homeowners at a subsidized cost, encouraging energy-saving renovations. The adoption of smart grid technology has improved the management and distribution of electricity, leading to reduced energy wastage. Susanville's energy mix is also evolving, with increased investments in renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar farms, to decrease reliance on fossil fuels.

energy icon


Water conservation in Susanville is a priority, with the town employing several strategies to ensure water efficiency. The local water utility has introduced tiered water pricing to incentivize lower consumption. Residents are offered rebates for installing water-efficient appliances and fixtures, such as low-flow toilets and showerheads. Landscaping ordinances promote drought-resistant native plants, reducing the need for irrigation. Leak detection programs help identify and repair water loss in the municipal system, preserving valuable water resources. Rainwater harvesting is advocated, and incentives are provided for installing rain barrels. The town also invests in modernizing its water treatment facilities to improve water quality and reduce waste.

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Transportation efficiency in Susanville has seen progress with the introduction of initiatives to reduce vehicle emissions and promote alternative modes of transport. The local government has added more bike lanes to encourage cycling, and there are plans to expand public transit options to reduce car dependency. An electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is being established, with incentives for residents to purchase EVs. A carpooling program has been promoted to decrease the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the roads. Furthermore, the town has invested in a fleet of energy-efficient municipal vehicles, setting an example for sustainable transportation. Susanville also engages in periodic transportation planning to address evolving mobility needs and to ensure a more efficient transportation system.

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Susanville has implemented comprehensive waste management practices aimed at reducing waste and promoting recycling. The city has a robust curbside recycling program that accepts various materials, including plastics, glass, paper, and metals. Electronic waste is collected through special events to divert hazardous substances from landfills. There is a strong focus on public education regarding proper waste sorting, which has led to a higher recycling rate. Additionally, the town has initiated composting programs that convert organic waste into useful compost for gardens and landscaping. Businesses are also encouraged to minimize waste through a waste reduction awards program, recognizing those that achieve significant waste diversion from landfills.