
Snellville personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,705

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4800
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Electrician $500
ENERGY Insulation $600
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Snellville, GA, a city in Gwinnett County, is celebrated for its strong community, diverse population, and bustling commerce. Founded in 1923, Snellville's motto “Everybody’s Somebody” reflects its inclusive ethos. The city boasts a blend of urban and suburban living, with numerous parks, shops, and annual cultural events like the Snellville Days Festival. Education is a top priority, with well-regarded schools. Snellville's close proximity to Atlanta offers access to metropolitan amenities while retaining small-town charm.

incentives available in Snellville for...
energy icon


Snellville, GA has implemented a variety of measures to increase energy efficiency in recent years. The city has encouraged the adoption of LED lighting in public buildings, resulting in significant reductions in energy consumption. Additionally, there are incentives for homeowners to install solar panels, and many businesses have followed suit, with solar installations becoming more common across the city. A partnership with local utility companies offers rebates to residents who upgrade to energy-efficient appliances. The city's building codes have been updated to require better insulation and more efficient HVAC systems in new constructions. The 'Energy Star' certification is promoted for both residential and commercial buildings, and there has been a noticeable shift toward the use of energy-efficient windows and doors. The local government also provides information and resources on energy conservation methods to its residents through community programs.

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Water conservation is taken seriously in Snellville, GA, with a focus on both reducing consumption and protecting water quality. The city has implemented a tiered water billing system to encourage conservation among residents, with higher rates for higher usage. There are also rebates available for those who install water-efficient fixtures and appliances. A public awareness campaign educates citizens about the importance of conserving water and offers tips on how to do so effectively. Snellville has invested in infrastructure to reduce water loss due to leaks and has a robust water monitoring system to identify and address leaks quickly. Efforts to protect local waterways from pollution are in place, including regular monitoring and cleanup events. Rain barrels and rain gardens are promoted as ways to capture and reuse rainwater, and native, drought-resistant landscaping is encouraged to further reduce water usage.

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Transportation efficiency in Snellville, GA has improved with several initiatives focused on reducing congestion and promoting alternative modes of transportation. The city has invested in infrastructure to create more walkable and bike-friendly areas, including the addition of bike lanes and pedestrian paths. There is a push for the development of mixed-use spaces to reduce the need for long commutes. Public transportation options have been expanded, and there is support for carpooling and ride-sharing programs. The city has also seen an increase in the use of electric vehicles (EVs), with additional charging stations being installed to accommodate this growth. Efforts are being made to sync traffic lights to improve traffic flow and reduce idle times. A transportation master plan guides future developments to ensure that transportation remains efficient and environmentally friendly.

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Waste management in Snellville, GA is proactive, with robust recycling programs that are easily accessible to residents. The city has a comprehensive curbside recycling program that accepts a wide variety of materials, aiming to divert waste from landfills. The local waste management authority organizes hazardous waste collection events to ensure safe disposal of items like electronics, batteries, and paint. Yard waste is regularly collected and composted, decreasing the amount of organic waste in landfills. Businesses are encouraged to participate in recycling programs, and there are several initiatives targeted at reducing single-use plastics in the city. Educational campaigns focused on reducing, reusing, and recycling have raised awareness about waste reduction strategies. The city has set goals to increase the rate of recycling each year, and measures are in place to track and report on progress.