
Shawnee personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,834

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Electrician $4
ENERGY Insulation $300
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Shawnee, KS, established in 1856, is a dynamic suburb of Kansas City with a population of around 65,000. Known for its rich history, Shawnee Mission Park and family-friendly community, it features a blend of modern amenities and historical sites such as the Shawnee Town 1929 Museum. The city boasts excellent schools, diverse shopping, and dining options, and was once named one of the best places to live in the U.S. by Money Magazine. Shawnee's commitment to growth and community development continues to draw residents and businesses alike.

incentives available in Shawnee for...
energy icon


Shawnee, KS has made significant strides in improving its energy efficiency through various initiatives. The city has implemented energy-efficient building codes for new construction, reflecting a commitment to reducing energy consumption. Local rebates are offered for homeowners who invest in energy-efficient appliances and HVAC systems, which have led to a noticeable shift in community purchasing decisions. Solar installations have seen an uptick, attributable to utility incentives for renewable energy generation, contributing to a cleaner energy mix. The local government has also retrofitted several municipal buildings with LED lighting and high-efficiency systems. Smart meters have been widely adopted, allowing for better energy management and cost savings for residents. Energy education programs are actively promoted, fostering community awareness around energy conservation. Shawnee is also exploring the integration of energy storage solutions to bolster its grid stability and support renewable energy sources.

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Water efficiency in Shawnee, KS is a top priority, with the city investing in modern infrastructure to reduce leakage and conserve water supplies. Progressive water pricing structures have been established to incentivize lower consumption amongst residents and businesses. Efforts to promote xeriscaping and native plant landscaping have been met with positive community response, diminishing the need for extensive irrigation. The city boasts a robust rain barrel program, encouraging rainwater harvesting for outdoor watering needs. Shawnee's water treatment facilities have been upgraded to optimize water reuse and ensure the highest quality of drinking water. Educational outreach on water conservation techniques is regularly conducted. Rebates for water-efficient appliances have been made available, aiding residents in making eco-friendly choices. Stormwater management practices have been improved to reduce runoff and enhance the recharge of local aquifers.

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Transportation efficiency in Shawnee, KS has improved due to the implementation of multiple initiatives aimed at reducing traffic congestion and promoting sustainable transit options. The city has expanded its network of bike lanes, making cycling a safer and more attractive mode of transportation. Public transportation services have been enhanced, with increased route coverage and scheduling to better meet the needs of commuters. Investments in electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure have been made to accommodate the growing number of EV users, with various locations across the city now equipped with charging stations. Incentive programs for carpooling and ride-sharing have been introduced. Shawnee has also begun integrating smart traffic management systems to streamline vehicle flow and reduce idle times at intersections. The adoption of more fuel-efficient municipal vehicle fleets, including electric and hybrid models, has contributed to decreased carbon emissions. Emphasis on walkability has led to improved pedestrian pathways and crosswalks, encouraging residents to opt for walking when possible.

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Waste management in Shawnee, KS has become increasingly efficient, thanks to education programs focused on recycling and composting. The city provides comprehensive curbside recycling services that have significantly reduced the volume of waste sent to landfills. Shawnee has incentivized businesses and residents to pursue waste reduction strategies through a pay-as-you-throw program, encouraging the limitation of non-recyclable waste. A household hazardous waste disposal program has been introduced, ensuring proper handling of such materials and preventing environmental contamination. Additionally, the city has engaged in public-private partnerships to manage and divert electronic waste from landfills. Yard waste collection and composting programs have been expanded, turning organic waste into a resource for community gardens and landscaping. The adoption of single-stream recycling has simplified the process for residents, leading to higher recycling rates and better resource recovery.