Map/Texas/Round Rock

Round Rock personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings

Round Rock

Round Rock, TX is a dynamic Austin suburb known for its outdoor activities, strong economy, and excellent schools. Home to Dell HQ, it's a tech hub with a historic downtown and the famous Round Rock.

incentives available in Round Rock for...
energy icon


In Round Rock, TX, significant strides have been made to improve energy efficiency across various sectors. Residential and commercial buildings are increasingly adopting LED lighting and energy-efficient appliances, supported by rebates and incentives from utility companies. The local government has implemented energy codes that surpass the minimum state requirements, encouraging new constructions to incorporate green building practices. Solar panel installations are gaining popularity, with tax incentives and net metering policies in place to encourage renewable energy adoption. Round Rock also boasts a relatively modern electrical grid infrastructure that reduces energy loss during transmission. Moreover, local businesses are participating in demand response programs to help manage the city’s energy load during peak times, contributing to overall energy efficiency.

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Water efficiency in Round Rock is a critical concern, and the city has implemented robust strategies to ensure sustainable water use. The progressive water conservation plan includes tiered water pricing, incentivizing residents and businesses to save water. The city's leak detection and repair program helps to minimize water loss through the distribution system. Rainwater harvesting is promoted through educational outreach and possible incentives for installation systems. The municipal water utility has also invested in advanced metering infrastructure to facilitate real-time water use monitoring, enabling customers to better manage their consumption. Landscaping regulations promote xeriscaping, and the city provides information on drought-resistant plants ideal for the region's climate.

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Transportation efficiency in Round Rock is supported by a multi-faceted approach that encourages a reduction in vehicle miles traveled and promotes alternative modes of transportation. The city has invested in expanding and improving public transit options, with the aim of making it a more viable choice for residents. Cycling infrastructure improvements, such as bike lanes and trails, have been established to promote biking as a healthy and eco-friendly means of transportation. Round Rock has developed pedestrian-friendly walkways to encourage walking. The city also supports ride-sharing programs and has infrastructure to accommodate electric vehicles, including public charging stations. To address traffic congestion, intelligent traffic management systems have been implemented to optimize traffic flow.

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Round Rock's waste management system prioritizes efficiency and the reduction of waste going to landfills. The city provides comprehensive curbside recycling and yard waste collection services, which are bolstered by the single-stream recycling program allowing residents to mix all recyclables in one container. The city actively promotes recycling through various educational programs and community initiatives. A notable program includes the 'Recycle Right' campaign, tailored to reduce contamination in the recycling stream. Hazardous waste collection events and the availability of a recycling center for e-waste further exemplify the city's commitment to waste diversion. Local businesses are encouraged to implement waste reduction strategies, and the city supports composting efforts to manage organic waste effectively.