
Redford personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $42,290

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $150
ENERGY Electrician $645
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $400

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residential energy savings


Redford, MI, officially known as Redford Township, is a dynamic suburb of Detroit. Famed for its community-focused living and lush parks, Redford boasts a rich history and a diverse population. Established in 1829, it has evolved from agricultural roots to a modern residential area. Key landmarks include the Redford Theatre and the Marquee of Redford. The township offers a blend of residential areas and business developments, with annual events that foster strong community bonds. Redford's strategic location near major highways makes it accessible and an attractive place for families and businesses alike.

incentives available in Redford for...
energy icon


Redford, MI, is actively improving its energy efficiency through the implementation of various initiatives. The local government has incentivized the adoption of LED lighting in public spaces, resulting in significant savings in electricity consumption. Residential solar panel installations have been encouraged through tax rebates, leading to an increase in clean energy generation within the community. Efforts to upgrade insulation in public buildings have reduced heating and energy costs, while educational programs have raised awareness about energy-saving practices among citizens. The introduction of energy-efficient appliances in municipal facilities also demonstrates the township's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint. Utility companies offer energy audit programs to assist homeowners in identifying and implementing energy-saving measures. Investments in smart grid technology are underway to enhance the efficiency of electricity distribution and use. The local government's partnership with environmental organizations has also led to the development of strategies for long-term sustainability in energy consumption.

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Water conservation and management in Redford, MI, are of paramount importance, and the township has implemented several measures to ensure water efficiency. Upgrades to the local wastewater treatment facilities have enhanced their capacity to treat and recycle water, leading to improved water quality in local waterways. The township encourages the installation of low-flow fixtures in homes and businesses, offering incentives for those who make these environmentally conscious upgrades. Rain barrel distribution programs have been successful in promoting rainwater harvesting among residents, thereby reducing the demand on the municipal water supply. Efforts to repair and replace aging water infrastructure have decreased water loss due to leaks. The local government enforces strict water usage regulations during drought conditions to preserve essential resources. Stormwater management systems have been modernized to mitigate the effects of heavy rainfall and to prevent water pollution. Public education campaigns focus on water-saving behaviors, such as limiting lawn irrigation and fixing household leaks promptly.

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Transportation efficiency in Redford, MI, has been enhanced through several strategic initiatives by the local government and community organizations. Public transportation options have expanded, with increased bus routes and improved scheduling to accommodate commuters and reduce reliance on personal vehicles. The township supports carpooling and ridesharing programs to decrease the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road, thus lowering traffic congestion and emissions. The development of bicycle lanes and pedestrian paths encourages non-motorized forms of transportation, promoting health and environmental benefits. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations have been installed in key locations to support the growing number of EV users. A local bike-share program offers an alternative mode of transport for short distances, helping to alleviate parking issues and reduce carbon emissions. Ongoing dialogues with regional transportation authorities aim to integrate Redford's transportation network with broader regional infrastructure, facilitating efficient movement for residents and businesses alike.

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Waste management in Redford, MI, has seen substantial advances, with the township prioritizing recycling and waste reduction. A comprehensive curbside recycling program is in place, which accepts a wide range of materials, encouraging community participation. The township hosts periodic hazardous waste collection events to ensure proper disposal of items that cannot be processed through regular waste streams. Local businesses are supported in their efforts to minimize waste by adopting greener practices. Residents have access to composting programs that divert organic waste from landfills, promoting soil health and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A 'Pay-As-You-Throw' program incentivizes residents to reduce waste by charging them based on the amount of non-recyclable trash they produce. The municipality has also installed recycling stations in public areas to facilitate waste segregation. Educational initiatives in schools and community centers highlight the importance of waste reduction and responsible consumption.