Map/Alabama/Pell City

Pell City personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,455

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4075
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings

Pell City

Pell City, Alabama, established in 1890, is the largest city in St. Clair County with a population of over 14,000. Nestled on the shores of Logan Martin Lake, it is known for its beautiful waterfronts and vibrant community life. The city boasts a diverse economy, with manufacturing, retail, and healthcare being major sectors. Pell City is also home to the historic Avondale Mills and the well-regarded Pell City School System. Its proximity to Birmingham allows residents to enjoy small-town charm with big-city amenities nearby. Outdoor enthusiasts relish in activities like boating, fishing, and hiking. Each year, the city celebrates its heritage and community spirit through events like the Hometown Block Party. With its mix of Southern hospitality, economic opportunity, and recreational offerings, Pell City continues to attract residents and visitors alike.

incentives available in Pell City for...
energy icon


Pell City, AL has taken strides in improving energy efficiency through a combination of local initiatives and participation in statewide programs. The city's residential and commercial sectors have benefitted from energy-efficient building codes, incentivizing the construction of structures that require less energy for heating, cooling, and lighting. Local utilities offer programs for energy audits and rebates for customers who upgrade to more efficient appliances and HVAC systems. There's an increased adoption of LED street lighting, reducing municipal energy consumption. Solar installations have also started to gain traction, with several local businesses and homeowners taking advantage of tax credits for renewable energy systems. Efforts to modernize the electrical grid have been underway, aiming to reduce loss and improve the management of energy distribution. Pell City's commitment to energy conservation is also reflected in its support for educational initiatives on energy-saving practices.

energy icon


Pell City's approach to water efficiency encompasses both conservation and infrastructure improvements. The city has upgraded its water treatment facilities to be more energy-efficient and to ensure a clean water supply to meet the needs of its growing population. There are measures in place for regular maintenance and leak detection in the water distribution system, helping to conserve water by minimizing waste. Residents are encouraged to employ water-saving techniques such as rainwater harvesting and the use of drought-resistant landscaping. Pell City has implemented tiered water pricing to promote conservation, with higher rates for higher usage levels. Rebates and incentives are available for water-efficient appliances and fixtures, such as low-flow toilets and showerheads. Public education campaigns have been effective in encouraging water-saving behaviors, like shorter showers and fixing household leaks promptly.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Pell City has seen improvements through a combination of infrastructure development and public transit enhancements. The city has worked on expanding and maintaining road networks to alleviate congestion and improve traffic flow. Efforts have been made to encourage carpooling and ridesharing to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. Pell City has seen an increase in the availability of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, supported by state and local incentives, which has helped promote the adoption of EVs. Public transportation options have been improved, with the aim of providing reliable and efficient services to reduce reliance on personal vehicles. Bike lanes and pedestrian pathways have also been developed in key areas to support non-motorized transit. The city is exploring the use of alternative fuels for its public transportation fleet to reduce greenhouse gas emissions further.

energy icon


Waste management efforts in Pell City are centered around reducing landfill use and promoting recycling and composting. The city provides curbside recycling services, and residents are encouraged to separate recyclables from general waste. Local businesses are also part of the initiative, with many participating in waste reduction programs which include paper recycling and proper disposal of electronic waste. Pell City has hosted community cleanup events, aimed at collecting hazardous waste such as paints, batteries, and pesticides, ensuring they are disposed of safely. The city has invested in new waste collection vehicles that are more fuel-efficient and has implemented routing software to optimize pickup routes, reducing emissions and fuel usage. Moreover, educational programs in schools and public workshops have been effective in raising awareness about waste minimization and proper disposal methods.