
Payson personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,506

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Door and Window $1
ENERGY Insulation $650
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $250
ENERGY Water Heater $3950
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Payson, AZ, nicknamed "The Heart of Arizona," is a charming mountain town situated at 5,000 feet elevation in the Tonto National Forest. Known for its mild climate and outdoor activities, Payson hosts the famous annual World's Oldest Continuous Rodeo and is a hub for hiking, fishing, and camping. The town's rich Western and Native American heritage can be explored through local museums and the nearby Tonto Natural Bridge State Park, featuring one of the world's largest natural travertine bridges. Payson also serves as a regional economic center with a growing population of over 15,000 residents.

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energy icon


Payson, Arizona has taken significant strides towards energy efficiency by adopting renewable energy systems, particularly solar installations thanks to abundant sunny days. The community has incentivized residential and commercial solar energy use, with some homes and businesses taking advantage of net metering to reduce their energy bills. Payson's energy efficiency programs also include upgrading to LED streetlights and encouraging energy-efficient appliances in households. The town promotes building practices that follow the latest International Energy Conservation Code, ensuring new construction is more energy efficient. Local utility companies offer various rebates and programs designed to support energy-saving measures, with some providing free energy audits to identify potential improvements. The energy landscape in Payson is continually evolving as more residents opt for electric vehicles (EVs), and public EV charging stations are becoming increasingly common, further reducing the town's carbon footprint.

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Water conservation is a priority in Payson, a town that acknowledges the importance of sustainable water management given its location in the arid state of Arizona. The town has implemented tiered water pricing to encourage conservation, with higher rates for greater usage. Rebates are available for water-efficient appliances, and the town has made efforts to replace outdated infrastructure to reduce water loss through leaks. Xeriscaping, which involves landscaping with drought-resistant plants, is actively encouraged, and educational programs are in place to help residents and businesses understand the importance of conserving water. Rainwater harvesting systems are supported, and in some cases mandated, for new buildings to reduce demand on municipal water sources. Payson's water conservation efforts include strict watering schedules, leak detection programs, and community initiatives such as the 'Water-Wise' program that educates on sustainable water use practices.

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Transportation efficiency in Payson is an ongoing community goal, with efforts to improve public transit and encourage alternative modes of transportation. A local bus service provides residents with affordable options to reduce reliance on private vehicles. The town has invested in infrastructure to support pedestrian and bicycle traffic, including bike lanes and improved sidewalk connectivity to make walking and cycling safer and more appealing. Recognizing the shift towards electric vehicles, Payson is working to expand its network of EV charging stations, making it more convenient for residents to own and operate EVs. Through collaboration with regional transportation planners, Payson aims to enhance connectivity with surrounding areas, reducing the need for personal vehicle use for out-of-town travel. The town also supports ride-sharing and carpooling initiatives to decrease the number of cars on the road, ultimately aiming to reduce traffic congestion and the associated environmental impact.

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Waste management in Payson has a strong focus on sustainability and reducing landfill impact. The local government encourages residents and businesses to participate in recycling programs, with curbside collection available for common materials such as paper, cardboard, plastics, and metals. The town has also implemented a green waste program that diverts yard and food waste from landfills, turning it into compost for local use. Special waste disposal events are periodically held to safely dispose of household hazardous waste, preventing contamination of the environment. Payson promotes educational campaigns on the importance of waste reduction and recycling, aiming to increase participation rates. Local businesses are encouraged to adopt practices that minimize waste, such as using biodegradable packaging and reducing single-use plastics. Efforts are also underway to enhance waste diversion through better sorting technologies and to explore partnerships for waste-to-energy initiatives.