Map/West Virginia/Parkersburg

Parkersburg personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Parkersburg, WV, is a charming city on the confluence of the Ohio and Little Kanawha Rivers. Known for its rich history, including Blennerhassett Island and its Civil War sites, it's a hub for culture and recreation. The Oil and Gas Museum highlights its role in the energy sector, while the annual Parkersburg Homecoming Festival celebrates the community spirit. The economy thrives on chemical and polymer industries, healthcare, and education with institutions like West Virginia University at Parkersburg.

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energy icon


Parkersburg, WV has been making strides in energy efficiency initiatives, focusing on reducing energy consumption in residential, commercial, and municipal buildings. The city has been encouraging the adoption of LED lighting, which offers considerable energy savings over traditional incandescent bulbs. Additionally, there is a growing presence of solar panels in the area, supported by state incentives for renewable energy investments. Local government buildings have started to integrate smart energy management systems to monitor and optimize power usage. Programs such as the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR have provided homeowners with incentives to improve their home energy performance, leading to reduced energy costs and increased home comfort. The local utility companies also offer rebates for energy-efficient appliances, encouraging citizens to replace outdated equipment with more efficient models. Efforts to modernize heating and cooling systems have resulted in decreased energy demand, contributing to a lower citywide carbon footprint. Moreover, energy audits are increasingly popular, helping residents and businesses identify ways to save energy and reduce costs. The city has been actively participating in energy-saving challenges and promoting community awareness on the importance of reducing energy consumption for environmental sustainability.

energy icon


Parkersburg maintains a comprehensive water efficiency strategy to ensure sustainable water use and protection of local water resources. The city's water treatment facilities employ advanced technologies to conserve water and reduce energy consumption during the treatment process. There is an emphasis on repairing and upgrading aging water infrastructure to prevent leaks and ensure the efficient delivery of clean water. Rain barrel programs and rain garden initiatives have been adopted to promote water conservation and manage stormwater runoff. Residents are incentivized to install low-flow fixtures and high-efficiency appliances, with rebate programs available to offset the initial costs. Water conservation education is a priority, with information disseminated through public workshops and utility bill inserts. The city has also implemented tiered water billing to encourage reduced consumption, effectively charging higher rates for higher usage to promote conservation. Drought-tolerant landscaping practices are encouraged through city landscaping codes and public awareness campaigns. Water quality monitoring programs are in place to safeguard against contamination and ensure a safe, reliable water supply. Efforts are being made to expand green infrastructure, which naturally replenishes groundwater and reduces the burden on the sewer system during heavy rainfall events.

energy icon


Parkersburg's transportation efficiency is bolstered by efforts to enhance public transit and promote alternative transportation modes. The city has invested in updating its public transit fleet with more fuel-efficient buses, including the introduction of hybrid or electric models. Cycling infrastructure improvements, such as dedicated bike lanes and secure bike storage facilities, have been made to encourage residents to cycle instead of driving. Parkersburg's local government promotes carpooling and ride-sharing programs to reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the roads, which helps alleviate congestion and reduce emissions. Furthermore, the city has been working on expanding pedestrian-friendly areas by creating more walkable streetscapes and improving the safety of crosswalks. Initiatives such as 'Complete Streets' promote the design and operation of roadways with all users in mind, including bicyclists, public transport riders, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities. The city also supports telecommuting and flexible work arrangements to decrease the need for daily commuting. To improve traffic flow and reduce idling, intelligent traffic management systems have been implemented at key intersections. Additionally, Parkersburg has been exploring options for electric vehicle charging stations to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles among residents.

energy icon


In waste management, Parkersburg has made considerable efforts to enhance waste reduction and recycling programs. The city offers curbside collection for recyclables, encouraging residents to segregate waste and reduce the amount going to landfills. There is a concerted effort to educate the public on proper recycling practices through community outreach programs and school initiatives. The city has also implemented electronic waste recycling events to safely dispose of electronics and prevent harmful substances from entering the environment. Local businesses are encouraged to minimize waste by participating in waste audit programs that help identify opportunities for waste reduction. To support these initiatives, the city has adopted a 'pay-as-you-throw' system, which incentivizes residents to reduce their waste by charging them based on the amount they throw away. Composting programs are gaining traction, with community gardens and local farms utilizing organic waste to improve soil health. The city also supports the recycling of yard waste, turning it into mulch and compost for landscaping and public use. Additionally, the city has been exploring partnerships with waste-to-energy facilities to find sustainable ways of managing waste that cannot be otherwise reduced, reused, or recycled.