
Pacific personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $41,180

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4300
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Pacific, MO, nestled at the convergence of the Meramec and Missouri Rivers, is a small city in Franklin County. Founded in 1852, it was a major railroad community. It is known for its picturesque landscapes, historical downtown, and being a gateway to the Ozarks, which provides residents and visitors with ample outdoor recreational opportunities. The city celebrates its heritage through events like the Pacific River Walk and the Iron Horse Rodeo. Despite its modest size, Pacific maintains a tight-knit community spirit and a commitment to preserving its rich history.

incentives available in Pacific for...
energy icon


Pacific, MO has made strides to improve energy efficiency in recent years. Residential and commercial developments have encouraged the adoption of energy-efficient appliances and building materials. The local government has implemented incentives for solar panel installations, enabling a surge in renewable energy uptake. LED streetlights have replaced older, less efficient bulbs throughout the city, reducing municipal energy consumption. The community also benefits from state-level policies promoting energy efficiency upgrades, with several homes and businesses taking advantage of tax credits for insulation and energy-efficient windows. Furthermore, the city has invested in smart grid technology to optimize electricity distribution and reduce waste. The local power plant has seen upgrades to its infrastructure, allowing it to operate more efficiently and with reduced emissions. Energy education programs have been launched in schools and community centers, emphasizing the importance of conservation.

energy icon


Water conservation and efficiency are a priority in Pacific, MO. The city has updated its water treatment facilities, incorporating advanced filtration technologies that enhance water purity and reduce energy consumption. There's an active leak detection and repair program which has led to a significant decrease in water loss throughout the distribution system. Residents benefit from rebates when they install water-efficient fixtures and appliances. Rainwater harvesting systems are increasingly common in both residential and commercial properties, and the local government has provided guidelines and support for their installation. Pacific's water utility frequently conducts audits to ensure that the water infrastructure is operating efficiently and provides public reports on water quality and conservation efforts. The city also promotes native landscaping, which reduces the need for irrigation and further conserves water resources.

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Transportation efficiency in Pacific, MO has been enhanced through various initiatives. The city has focused on improving public transportation by upgrading its bus fleet to include more fuel-efficient models and establishing more efficient routes that better serve the community. There's support for biking and walking, evident in the increased number of bike lanes and pedestrian paths. Pacific has also installed electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in strategic locations, encouraging a shift to cleaner transportation options. A ride-sharing program has been introduced to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, which helps to lower traffic congestion and associated emissions. To address the needs of commuters, the city has worked with regional transportation authorities to improve connections to nearby metropolitan areas, making it easier for residents to utilize public transportation for longer distances.

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Waste management in Pacific, MO has become more sophisticated, with the introduction of city-wide recycling programs that have significantly reduced the amount of waste sent to landfills. A local ordinance mandates the separation of recyclable materials from regular trash, and there are convenient curbside pickup services for both. The community has access to a hazardous waste disposal facility that ensures safe processing of materials like electronics and batteries. In an effort to promote a circular economy, the city has facilitated partnerships between businesses to repurpose industrial waste. Pacific has also seen the emergence of composting programs that divert organic waste from landfills and convert it into fertilizer for local agricultural use. The city has educational campaigns to encourage waste reduction practices among its citizens, such as using reusable bags and containers.