Oxford personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,920

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4800
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $600
ENERGY Electrician $40
ENERGY Insulation $200
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7550
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Oxford, NC, is a quaint city in Granville County with a rich heritage, known for its historic architecture and the annual Hot Sauce Contest. It serves as the county seat and was named after the British university city. Agriculture plays a significant role in its economy, particularly tobacco farming. Established in 1816, Oxford boasts a diverse community and is home to the Oxford Orphanage, now known as the Masonic Home for Children, reflecting its longstanding commitment to social welfare. The city's revitalized downtown area highlights its growth and dedication to maintaining a vibrant community.

incentives available in Oxford for...
energy icon


Oxford, NC has been progressively steering towards sustainable energy practices. The city has incorporated solar installations on municipal buildings, reducing reliance on nonrenewable sources. Incentives for solar panel installations in residential areas have been introduced, encouraging homeowners to contribute to green energy efforts. These initiatives, coupled with energy efficiency programs for lighting and HVAC systems in public structures, have cut down energy consumption significantly. Oxford's partnership with local energy providers promotes the use of smart meters, aiding residents in monitoring and managing their power usage more effectively. The community is engaged in energy conservation through educational programs that highlight the benefits of reduced energy consumption and the importance of transitioning to renewable sources. The city's commitment to energy efficiency is reflected in the modernization of infrastructure, including the incorporation of LED streetlights city-wide which reduce electrical usage and maintenance costs.

energy icon


Water efficiency in Oxford is a priority, with the city investing in modern water treatment facilities that ensure clean drinking water while maximizing efficiency. Leak detection systems have been upgraded across the water distribution network to prevent water loss. Oxford's water conservation initiatives include rebates for water-efficient appliances, and residents are encouraged to use rain barrels and native plants in landscaping to reduce water consumption. The city's stormwater management program is designed to prevent pollution of waterways and maintain the quality of local water bodies. Strict water quality monitoring and testing ensure that both surface and ground water resources are protected from contaminants. Conservation education programs are also in place to teach the importance of water stewardship to citizens. Efforts to protect the nearby Falls Lake, a crucial water reservoir, continue with investments in green infrastructure to reduce runoff and preserve the watershed.

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Transportation in Oxford has become increasingly efficient with the expansion of clean public transportation options. The city has added hybrid and electric vehicles to its municipal fleet to reduce emissions. Local transit services have been optimized to provide residents with reliable and eco-friendly transportation options, reducing the number of individual cars on the road and thus the carbon footprint. Bike lanes and pedestrian pathways are being expanded to encourage non-motorized forms of transportation, making the city more accessible while improving public health. The city promotes carpooling and ride-share programs to decrease traffic congestion and air pollution. Efforts are made to integrate transportation planning with land use to ensure walkable neighborhoods and reduce the necessity for long commutes. Oxford supports the use of alternative fuels and has invested in charging stations for electric vehicles, providing the necessary infrastructure for the transition to electric mobility.

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Oxford's waste management operations have emphasized recycling and waste reduction. There are comprehensive curbside recycling services for residents, which accept a wide range of materials, reducing the volume of waste sent to landfills. The city has implemented a yard waste collection program, turning organic waste into mulch and compost. Additionally, electronic waste recycling events are held periodically to safely dispose of hazardous materials. Businesses and residents are encouraged through educational campaigns to minimize waste and are provided with tools to better manage their waste footprints. The city invests in waste-to-energy technologies, aiming to convert a portion of the municipal solid waste into renewable energy, which in turn contributes to the overall energy efficiency of the community. A local landfill gas-to-energy project harnesses methane emissions, converting them into usable electricity. The robust hazardous waste disposal program helps prevent environmental contamination, preserving Oxford's natural resources.