
Orange personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $70,050

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Door and Window $150
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4800
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Orange, Connecticut, is a charming New England town nestled in New Haven County. Established in 1822, it covers an area of 17.6 square miles and has a population of approximately 14,000. Known for its excellent schools, local businesses, and community spirit, Orange hosts the annual Orange Country Fair, drawing visitors for its traditional festivities. The town balances rural appeal with suburban convenience, providing residents with peaceful neighborhoods and access to city amenities. Orange's economy thrives with varied enterprises, from family-owned shops to larger corporations, reflecting its diverse and vibrant character.

incentives available in Orange for...
energy icon


Orange, Connecticut has made strides in improving its energy efficiency through various initiatives. The town actively encourages the adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, by offering tax incentives for residents and businesses that install these systems. Energy-efficient building codes have been updated to ensure new constructions adhere to high-efficiency standards. The town also participates in state-wide programs designed to retrofit existing buildings with energy-saving technologies. Incentives for purchasing energy-efficient appliances and lighting have increased public participation in reducing energy consumption. Orange's local government has installed LED streetlights throughout the town, reducing municipal energy costs and carbon footprint. The promotion of community solar projects allows residents who cannot install their own solar panels to benefit from renewable energy, further driving down the community's reliance on fossil fuels. An emphasis on smart grid technology helps manage electricity demand and encourages the efficient use of resources.

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Water conservation is a priority in Orange, and the town has made significant investments in water efficiency. The water infrastructure has been upgraded to reduce leakage and conserve this vital resource. Rebates are offered to homeowners who install water-efficient fixtures, such as low-flow toilets and showerheads. The town promotes smart landscaping practices that require less watering, and rain barrel distribution programs help residents collect and reuse rainwater. Public education on the importance of water conservation, including tips for reducing water use indoors and outdoors, has helped to drive down the per capita water consumption. The town also supports innovative wastewater treatment technologies that help to conserve water and protect the environment. In agricultural areas, farmers are encouraged to use efficient irrigation practices to minimize water usage. Water quality monitoring programs ensure the local waterways are protected from pollution, and conservation efforts help to maintain the health of local aquifers.

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Transportation efficiency in Orange focuses on reducing traffic congestion and promoting alternative modes of transport. The town has improved traffic flow by optimizing signal timings and creating turn lanes at key intersections. Bike lanes and pedestrian pathways have been expanded to encourage non-motorized transit, and public transportation options are promoted as a way to decrease single-occupancy vehicle use. The town has installed electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and offers incentives for residents to purchase EVs, supporting the shift towards clean transportation. A local shuttle service provides connections to nearby transit hubs, enhancing regional mobility. Carpooling is actively encouraged through dedicated parking spaces and community-based programs. Orange also participates in regional transportation planning efforts to improve connectivity and efficiency across the greater metropolitan area. With a focus on sustainable transportation planning, the town aims to reduce its carbon footprint while improving accessibility and mobility for residents.

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Waste management in Orange has become more efficient with the introduction of single-stream recycling, which simplifies the recycling process for residents and increases participation rates. The town offers comprehensive curbside recycling services and has placed a strong emphasis on reducing the volume of waste sent to landfills. Public education campaigns on recycling and waste reduction have been effective in changing behaviors at the grassroots level. The hazardous waste collection events are held regularly to ensure proper disposal of dangerous materials and prevent environmental contamination. Additionally, yard waste is collected seasonally and composted, contributing to the town’s sustainability efforts. The town has also adopted waste-to-energy initiatives, where non-recyclable waste is used to generate electricity. Local businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through incentives that promote sustainable packaging and waste reduction practices. The Buy Nothing Project, which operates in the community, encourages the reuse of items among residents, further reducing waste.