
Onamia personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $48,054

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $40
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $275
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $105
ENERGY Electrician $809
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $275
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4650
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

city facts

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residential energy savings


Onamia, MN, is a small city in Mille Lacs County with a population of around 900. It's near Mille Lacs Lake, which is popular for fishing and boating. The area is known for its natural beauty and is close to the Mille Lacs Indian Reservation, home to the Ojibwe people. Onamia serves as a gateway to outdoor activities and cultural experiences, including the Mille Lacs Kathio State Park and the Grand Casino Mille Lacs. Despite its size, Onamia plays an important role in the local economy, with tourism and the casino being major contributors.

incentives available in Onamia for...
energy icon


Onamia, MN, is increasingly focusing on energy efficiency. The city has begun to implement LED street lighting to reduce electricity consumption. Solar panel installations have been encouraged among homeowners through local incentives, which also support the state's goal of increasing renewable energy sources. Several small businesses have taken advantage of state energy efficiency programs designed to lower operational costs and reduce carbon footprints. The community is also considering energy audits for public buildings to identify further savings. Grants from state and non-profit organizations have made energy-efficient appliances more accessible to low-income households, contributing to local energy conservation efforts. The local government has also explored partnerships with energy service companies (ESCOs) to modernize outdated municipal facilities for better energy performance.

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Water conservation in Onamia, MN, has become a priority under state and local water stewardship guidelines. Efforts have been made to upgrade municipal water infrastructure, including the repair of old pipes to reduce leakage. Rainwater harvesting systems are promoted among residents with incentives like rebates or reduced water rates. Water-efficient landscaping, or xeriscaping, is gaining traction as residents embrace native plants that require less irrigation. The local government has implemented tiered water pricing to encourage conservation among high-use customers. Educational programs highlighting the importance of water conservation in schools and community centers have improved public awareness. Moreover, businesses that implement water-saving technologies benefit from both cost savings and potential tax credits.

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Transportation efficiency in Onamia, MN, benefits from a commitment to improving and expanding public transportation options. Grants have been allocated to enhance bus services, making them a more reliable option for commuters. Initiatives like carpooling and rideshare programs are supported to reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road. Bike lanes and pedestrian paths are being developed to encourage non-motorized transport, thanks to both health and environmental benefits. The city also supports the adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles by installing public charging stations. There is an effort to integrate transportation planning with land use to promote walkable neighborhoods, reducing the need for long commutes. Furthermore, local businesses are often involved in transport efficiency discussions, providing input on how to best serve the community's needs.

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Waste management in Onamia, MN, includes recycling programs that handle common materials such as paper, plastics, metals, and glass. The city has organized collection events for hazardous household waste to ensure proper disposal and prevent environmental contamination. Yard waste composting is promoted within the community, and food waste collection services are being considered to reduce the amount of organic waste heading to landfills. Local businesses are encouraged to adopt waste reduction practices, and some have received recognition for their zero-waste initiatives. Incentives for waste-to-energy projects have sparked interest, potentially decreasing reliance on traditional waste disposal methods. The city's waste management plan emphasizes education and outreach to increase participation in recycling and composting programs among residents and businesses alike.