
Northridge personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,282

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $150
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $500
ENERGY Electrician $410
ENERGY Door and Window $2
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $150
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $1500

city facts

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residential energy savings


Northridge, CA, located in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, is known for its suburban charm and educational hub, being home to California State University, Northridge (CSUN). The neighborhood gained national attention after the 1994 Northridge earthquake, a 6.7 magnitude tremor that caused significant damage and loss of life. Despite this, Northridge has rebuilt and remains a vibrant community with a diverse population, numerous parks, and a bustling shopping district at the Northridge Fashion Center. With a strong emphasis on education, family-friendly amenities, and cultural diversity, Northridge is a significant contributor to the vitality of the Greater Los Angeles area.

incentives available in Northridge for...
energy icon


Northridge, California, has made strides in energy efficiency through the adoption of renewable energy sources and energy-saving initiatives. Solar power has gained traction among homeowners and businesses, with many taking advantage of the California Solar Initiative and the Federal Investment Tax Credit to install photovoltaic systems. The local utility also offers various rebates for energy-efficient appliances and home improvements that enhance insulation and reduce air leakage. The implementation of smart meters and time-of-use rates encourage residents to shift their energy usage to off-peak hours, further optimizing energy consumption. Public facilities and street lighting have transitioned to LED technology, significantly cutting down the municipal energy demand. Additionally, educational campaigns on energy conservation have raised awareness and fostered energy-saving behaviors across the community.

energy icon


Water conservation is a key environmental priority in Northridge due to the region's semi-arid climate and recurring drought conditions. The local water authority encourages efficient water usage through tiered pricing, incentivizing residents to stay within lower consumption tiers. Landscape ordinances promote drought-resistant native plants, and rebate programs are available for residents who replace turf with water-smart landscaping. The city invests in greywater systems and rainwater harvesting to maximize non-potable water use. Leak detection workshops, free low-flow fixture distributions, and strict water waste prohibitions have become part of a broader strategy to foster water-conscious behaviors and infrastructure upgrades. Stormwater management efforts also aim to capture and reuse rainwater, reducing runoff and increasing groundwater recharge.

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Transportation efficiency in Northridge has seen progress with efforts to reduce traffic congestion and promote sustainable travel options. The city benefits from the MetroLink service, offering residents an alternative to driving and connecting them to the greater Los Angeles area. Local bus routes have been optimized to provide reliable and efficient service, while bicycle infrastructure improvements, such as bike lanes and bike-sharing programs, encourage cycling as a viable mode of transportation. The city has also made electric vehicle charging stations more accessible, supporting the transition to low-emission vehicles. Carpool and vanpool programs are well-supported, and a push towards telecommuting has lessened the daily commuter traffic. These initiatives, together with public awareness campaigns on the environmental benefits of reducing car usage, contribute to reducing the city's transportation-related carbon footprint.

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Waste management in Northridge is anchored by a commitment to reducing landfill dependency through comprehensive recycling programs and waste diversion strategies. The city has implemented mandatory recycling for all residential and commercial properties, complemented by convenient curbside collection services for recyclable materials and yard waste. Specialized programs for electronic waste, hazardous materials, and bulky item collection facilitate proper disposal and recycling of these items. Businesses are encouraged to participate in waste audits and adopt practices that minimize waste generation. The city promotes composting, both at a municipal level and through incentives for home composting systems. A notable focus on education regarding waste sorting and the importance of reducing single-use plastics has contributed to an increase in diversion rates.