
Norfolk personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Norfolk, NE, known as the birthplace of Johnny Carson, is a vibrant city in Madison County. With a population of around 24,434, it serves as an economic and cultural hub in northeastern Nebraska. The city boasts beautiful parks, a strong community spirit, high-quality educational institutions, and a diverse industrial base. Norfolk's Elkhorn River provides scenic trails and outdoor activities, while cultural events reflect its rich heritage. Health services are significant with Faith Regional Health Services centering its medical community.

incentives available in Norfolk for...
energy icon


In Norfolk, NE, the focus on energy efficiency has led to the adoption of various initiatives and technologies. The city has seen an increase in the installation of LED streetlights, reducing electricity consumption significantly compared to traditional lighting. Local government incentives have encouraged businesses and homeowners to adopt solar energy systems. Moreover, the Norfolk Area Community Solar Project has allowed for shared benefits from solar power, fostering a cooperative approach to energy generation. Energy efficiency programs, such as the Home Energy Savings program, offer residents the opportunity to conduct energy audits and implement recommended upgrades, thereby reducing their energy bills. The city's partnership with Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) also aims to increase awareness about energy conservation and provides resources for improving energy efficiency. Residents are increasingly adopting smart home technologies, which automate energy saving and improve overall efficiency. Industrial facilities in the area are investing in energy-efficient machinery, and multiple agricultural operations have started using precision agriculture technologies to optimize input energy usage.

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Water management in Norfolk, NE, has been a priority due to the critical role that water plays in the community's wellbeing and the local agriculture-based economy. The city invests in advanced water treatment facilities to ensure a clean, reliable water supply for its residents. There have been efforts to upgrade the infrastructure to prevent water loss and contamination. Rainwater harvesting systems have been encouraged among homeowners for lawn and garden irrigation. The Norfolk Area Water Partnership works to promote efficient water use practices among agricultural producers. Rebate programs have incentivized the adoption of water-efficient appliances in homes and commercial properties. The stormwater management program is designed to reduce pollutants in runoff and protect local waterways. The city also conducts regular water quality monitoring and offers education to the public about conserving water and protecting water resources. Conservation efforts are further supported by the use of drought-resistant landscaping in public and private spaces.

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Transportation efficiency in Norfolk, NE, revolves around improving the connectivity and sustainability of travel within the city. The public transit system, Northfork Area Transit, offers bus services that have been optimized to reduce wait times and provide more direct routes. There have been investments in pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, with new bike lanes and trails encouraging non-motorized transportation. The city also participates in the Clean Cities Coalition, promoting the use of alternative fuel vehicles and supporting the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. Programs that encourage carpooling and ride-sharing have been developed, which help in reducing traffic congestion and emissions. Efforts are made to keep the roads and bridges well-maintained, ensuring safe and efficient travel. Freight transportation has become more efficient through the support of local businesses in optimizing logistics and supply chain management. Moreover, the city is exploring smart traffic management systems to further enhance vehicular flow and reduce travel times.

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Waste management efforts in Norfolk, NE, have been directed towards reducing landfill use and encouraging recycling and composting. The city provides comprehensive curbside recycling services, which have expanded to include more materials in recent years. The local government has implemented electronic waste collection programs, helping to divert hazardous materials from landfills. Yard waste is collected separately and composed, resulting in nutrient-rich compost for landscaping and agricultural use. Additionally, there are initiatives to reduce single-use plastic bags and promote reusable alternatives. Businesses have been part of the solution, with many participating in waste reduction programs and adopting zero-waste policies. Education campaigns about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling are ongoing, aiming to change consumer behavior. The Norfolk Transfer Station facilitates proper disposal of solid waste and their hazardous waste facility ensures the safe handling of chemicals and other hazardous items.