Map/Michigan/New Baltimore

New Baltimore personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $42,290

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $150
ENERGY Electrician $645
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $400

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residential energy savings

New Baltimore

New Baltimore, MI, is a scenic waterfront community on Lake St. Clair known for its vibrant downtown, family-friendly parks, and historic charm. With around 12,000 residents, it boasts a cozy, small-town feel while offering diverse shopping, dining, and recreation opportunities. The city's rich maritime history, access to boating facilities, and annual Bay-Rama Fishfly Festival are among its highlights.

incentives available in New Baltimore for...
energy icon


New Baltimore, Michigan, is increasingly adopting renewable energy sources, reflecting a broader shift towards sustainability. The city's residential and commercial sectors have seen a rise in solar panel installations, supported by state incentives that reduce installation costs and provide tax credits. Local initiatives aimed at promoting green building practices have resulted in more energy-efficient construction, with buildings incorporating advanced insulation, energy-saving appliances, and smart home technologies to minimize energy consumption. The public utilities have also invested in grid modernization, enhancing energy distribution efficiency and reliability. In addition to solar, small-scale wind energy projects are gaining traction, though they remain less prevalent. Energy efficiency programs, such as subsidized home energy audits and rebates for energy-efficient upgrades, encourage residents to reduce their energy footprints. The shift towards LED street lighting in public spaces has also contributed to reduced municipal energy consumption.

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In New Baltimore, water conservation and quality are of paramount importance, considering its proximity to Lake St. Clair and the broader Great Lakes ecosystem. The city has upgraded its water treatment facilities to enhance the purification process, ensuring access to clean drinking water for its residents. Efforts to reduce non-point source pollution include the management of stormwater runoff through green infrastructure, such as rain gardens and permeable pavements. These measures help protect the local waterways from contaminants. In a bid to preserve water resources, the city promotes water-saving practices and technologies, such as low-flow fixtures in homes and businesses. Periodic water quality monitoring and public reporting maintain transparency and trust in the city's water management. The local government has also engaged in watershed protection initiatives to safeguard the aquatic habitats and the overall health of the regional water system.

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New Baltimore's transportation system has evolved to become more efficient and environmentally conscious. The city has enhanced its public transportation services by adding new routes and improving existing ones, resulting in better connectivity and convenience for commuters. Investments in electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure, including public charging stations, have facilitated the adoption of EVs by local residents. Bike-friendly initiatives such as the creation of bike lanes and trails, and bike-sharing programs, have encouraged non-motorized transportation, contributing to reduced vehicle emissions. To mitigate traffic congestion, the city has implemented traffic flow optimization measures, such as smart traffic lights and real-time traffic management systems. These advancements, combined with community outreach efforts promoting ride-sharing and public transit use, collectively reduce the carbon footprint of New Baltimore's transportation network.

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The waste management system in New Baltimore has made strides in reducing landfill use and promoting recycling and composting. The city has implemented a curbside recycling program, which accepts a wide range of materials, including plastics, paper, glass, and metals. Educational campaigns have heightened public awareness about proper waste sorting, leading to increased recycling rates. Local waste management authorities have partnered with waste-to-energy plants to divert a portion of non-recyclable waste from landfills, thus generating electricity and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A yard waste collection program facilitates the composting of organic waste, which is processed locally and made available to residents and businesses for landscaping and gardening purposes. Additionally, the city participates in regional e-waste drives to safely dispose of electronic waste and prevent hazardous substances from contaminating the environment.