
Neosho personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $39,505

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4725
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Neosho, known as the "Flower Box City," is a charming municipality in Newton County, Missouri, with a population of around 12,000. Established in 1839, it's rich with Civil War history and noted for its role in the development of the globally renowned Empire District Electric Company. The city boasts beautiful parks, the Neosho National Fish Hatchery, and Crowder College. It also hosts the annual Neosho Fall Festival, celebrating the community's heritage and culture.

incentives available in Neosho for...
energy icon


Neosho, Missouri, has made strides in energy efficiency through initiatives like the adoption of LED street lighting which significantly reduces municipal energy consumption and costs. The community has embraced the use of energy-efficient appliances in homes and businesses, spurred by local utility rebate programs. Solar panel installations have seen an uptick as residents take advantage of state incentives for renewable energy. Neosho's local government has been considering updates to building codes to better integrate energy-efficient construction practices. Schools in the area have begun to incorporate energy education into their curricula, fostering a culture of efficiency from a young age. Moreover, local businesses have participated in energy audits to optimize their operations, and a few industries have transitioned to using co-generation plants, thereby reducing reliance on traditional energy sources. The city has also seen an increase in the use of programmable thermostats, which help residents and businesses to manage their energy usage more effectively. Energy efficiency workshops and community events are regularly organized to keep the public informed and engaged.

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Water conservation in Neosho is a priority, with efforts aimed at reducing consumption and protecting the local watershed. The city has upgraded its water infrastructure to prevent leaks and reduce waste, and there is a regular assessment program in place to ensure that issues are promptly addressed. Residents are encouraged to use water-efficient fixtures through rebate programs offered by the utility companies. The city has also implemented smart water metering technology to give residents real-time data on their usage, which helps in identifying leaks and promoting conservation. Public education on the importance of water conservation is conducted by local authorities and environmental organizations. Rainwater harvesting practices are on the rise as the city incentivizes the collection and use of rainwater for landscaping and agricultural purposes. On the regulatory front, Neosho has stringent water quality standards and monitors its water sources closely for any signs of contamination. Educational programs targeting efficient irrigation practices for agricultural and landscaping purposes have been introduced, fostering a culture of responsibility towards water use.

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The transportation system in Neosho has seen improvements aimed at efficiency and sustainability. The city has focused on maintaining and upgrading its road networks to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow, which in turn reduces vehicle emissions. Public transportation options, albeit limited, are being optimized to be more energy-efficient and accessible. The local authorities have established bike lanes and walking trails to promote alternative modes of transportation, thereby reducing the reliance on personal vehicles. Carpooling and rideshare programs have been encouraged, and there are resources available to facilitate these environmentally friendly commuting options. Neosho has also seen the introduction of electric vehicle charging stations, supporting the transition to electric vehicles among residents. Efforts to educate the public on the benefits of using public or alternative transportation have been ongoing. The city is also exploring partnerships with transportation technology companies to innovate and improve local transportation infrastructure and services.

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In terms of waste management, Neosho has implemented a comprehensive recycling program that accepts a wide range of materials, aiming to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. The city has invested in single-stream recycling, which simplifies the process for residents and increases participation rates. Local businesses and institutions have been encouraged to develop waste reduction plans, and several have received recognition for their efforts to minimize waste generation. There is an emphasis on community education around the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling, often supported by the city's waste management department. The local government has partnered with electronic waste recyclers to prevent hazardous materials from entering the waste stream. A notable initiative is the city's annual hazardous waste collection day, which allows residents to safely dispose of materials that would otherwise pose environmental risks. Additionally, Neosho promotes composting programs and provides resources for home composting to divert organic waste from landfills. The city's strategy has been increasingly focused on waste-to-energy projects as a way to manage waste while generating power.