
Montebello personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $51,205

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $21500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Montebello, CA, is a historic city located in Los Angeles County, known for its rich cultural diversity and strong community spirit. Established on October 16, 1920, it spans 8.4 square miles and has a population of approximately 62,500. The city boasts an economy grounded in retail and manufacturing, with the Montebello Town Center being a major commercial hub. Montebello is home to the Montebello Unified School District, providing educational opportunities to residents. The city offers recreational activities at its beautiful parks and golf courses. Montebello is recognized for its significant role in the oil industry and has notable landmarks like the Juan Matias Sanchez Adobe, showcasing its historical significance.

incentives available in Montebello for...
energy icon


In Montebello, California, energy efficiency has been a growing focus, with efforts to incorporate renewable energy sources and improve overall energy consumption patterns. The city has encouraged the adoption of solar panels on residential and commercial buildings by streamlining the permitting process and providing information on potential tax breaks and incentives. In addition to solar, there have been initiatives to expand the use of energy-efficient LED street lighting, reducing municipal energy demand. Energy audits for homes and businesses are made available through utility companies, promoting energy conservation. Local programs offer rebates for energy-efficient appliances to incentivize residents to reduce electricity usage. The commercial sector has seen an increase in the installation of smart meters and energy management systems designed to optimize energy usage. Montebello's public facilities have been undergoing retrofits to improve insulation and install energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, all contributing to a reduction in energy consumption. The city has participated in regional collaboratives working towards a cleaner power mix and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, Montebello has explored partnerships with clean energy providers to offer residents options for purchasing green power.

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Water efficiency in Montebello is addressed through various conservation programs and infrastructure upgrades. The city has established strict water use regulations, particularly for landscaping and irrigation, to curb excessive water consumption. Rebate programs for water-efficient appliances and fixtures encourage residents and businesses to save water. Montebello actively promotes drought-resistant landscaping and has provided resources for residents to transition to xeriscaping, which requires minimal irrigation. The city's water utility has invested in smart metering technology to provide real-time water use data to consumers, helping them manage their water consumption more effectively. Leak detection programs have been implemented to promptly address water loss in the municipal water distribution system. Rainwater harvesting systems are endorsed as a method to capture and reuse rainwater for irrigation, reducing the demand on the city's water supply. Efforts to educate the public about water conservation are evident through workshops, school programs, and community outreach initiatives. The city has also worked to upgrade its wastewater treatment facilities to ensure efficient processing and the potential for water recycling. Through partnerships with regional agencies, Montebello pursues opportunities for shared resources and collaborative water management strategies.

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Transportation efficiency in Montebello involves a multi-faceted approach aimed at reducing traffic congestion and promoting sustainable transport options. The city has invested in optimizing traffic signal timing to enhance traffic flow and reduce vehicle idling. Public transportation services, provided by Montebello Bus Lines, have been improved with increased frequency and the incorporation of clean-energy buses, including electric and natural gas-powered vehicles. Bike lanes and paths have been expanded to encourage cycling as a green alternative to driving. The city participates in regional ride-sharing programs and provides information to residents about carpooling incentives. Montebello has installed electric vehicle charging stations in key locations, promoting the adoption of electric vehicles among residents. Initiatives such as 'Safe Routes to School' encourage walking and cycling among students to reduce reliance on cars for short distances. In collaboration with local businesses, the city supports flexible work hours and telecommuting to decrease peak-hour traffic. Efforts to enhance pedestrian infrastructure, such as improved sidewalks and crosswalks, support walkability. The city has also explored the use of transportation management software to improve the efficiency of municipal fleet vehicles, further reducing fuel consumption and emissions. In alignment with regional transportation plans, Montebello seeks to integrate its transportation policies with those of neighboring communities for a cohesive and efficient transportation network.

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Waste management in Montebello has seen improvements through the implementation of comprehensive recycling programs and waste reduction strategies. The city has enforced strict guidelines for waste sorting to minimize the amount of waste ending up in landfills. There are dedicated curbside collection services for recyclables and organic waste which encourage residents to participate in waste separation. Local businesses are supported in their efforts to cut down on waste through waste audits and recycling assistance programs. In educational institutions, students are taught the importance of recycling and composting, with many schools implementing zero-waste lunch initiatives. Electronic waste recycling events are held periodically to handle the safe disposal of electronic items. Montebello has also launched community clean-up events to raise awareness and facilitate the proper disposal of bulky items. The city has embraced the concept of a circular economy by promoting the reuse and repair of items through community events like swap meets. In terms of waste-to-energy, Montebello has explored opportunities for converting non-recyclable waste into energy, thereby reducing waste volume and generating electricity. In addition, hazardous waste collection events ensure that materials such as paint, batteries, and chemicals are disposed of safely, preventing environmental contamination.