
Mission personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,834

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Electrician $4
ENERGY Insulation $300
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Mission, KS, located in Johnson County, is a vibrant suburb of Kansas City known for its strong sense of community and rich history. Founded in 1951, it spans 2.7 square miles with a population of around 9,500. The city boasts a robust economy, thriving local businesses, and excellent transportation access via the Johnson County Transit system. Its proximity to major universities and cultural attractions adds to its appeal. Mission’s recreational offerings include numerous parks, a farmers market, and family-friendly events. This small city is admired for its high-quality living, making it an ideal place for both families and professionals.

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energy icon


Mission, KS, has been proactive in adopting energy-efficient practices, leveraging both technology and community programs. The city has implemented LED street lighting, reducing municipal energy consumption and costs. Several local businesses and residences have followed suit by installing energy-efficient lighting and appliances, partly incentivized by rebates offered through utility programs. Solar panel installations have gained traction, with some households and establishments benefiting from net metering policies that allow them to sell excess power back to the grid. The city's push for energy-efficient building codes has resulted in newer constructions adhering to higher insulation and energy performance standards. Additionally, a small but growing number of homes and businesses have begun to explore smart thermostats and home automation systems to optimize energy usage.

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Water conservation and efficient usage are of significant importance in Mission, KS. The local water utility has deployed a tiered pricing structure to encourage conservation, with higher rates for increased usage. The city maintains a robust system for detecting and repairing leaks in the municipal water supply to minimize waste. Rain barrel programs and xeriscaping incentives have been offered to encourage residents to reduce outdoor water use. Moreover, modernization of wastewater treatment facilities has improved the purification process, making it more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. Water-efficient fixtures are becoming more common in new developments and renovations, aided by educational efforts and local incentives to promote their adoption.

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Transportation efficiency in Mission, KS, is characterized by a combination of public transit enhancements, infrastructure improvements, and community initiatives. The city has focused on improving the connectivity and reliability of public transportation, with the local transit authority offering bus services that link Mission to the wider metropolitan area. Bike-friendly infrastructure has been expanded, with more dedicated lanes and bike-sharing programs in place to encourage non-motorized transport. Additionally, pedestrian areas have been enhanced to promote walking as a viable and enjoyable mode of transportation. The local government encourages carpooling and ride-sharing services to reduce individual car usage, and several electric vehicle charging stations have been installed to support the growing number of EVs on the roads.

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Mission's waste management strategies have evolved to prioritize sustainability and efficiency. The city has a comprehensive curbside recycling program that accepts a multitude of materials, including plastics, paper, glass, and metals. Yard waste is collected seasonally and composted, diverting significant organic material from landfills. Local authorities have also encouraged waste reduction through community education programs on recycling and composting. Several events are held annually to collect hazardous waste and electronics for proper disposal, ensuring harmful substances are kept out of landfills. Additionally, a number of businesses have adopted zero-waste policies, minimizing their environmental footprint through diligent sorting and recycling of waste products.