
Midland personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Midland, Texas, known as "The Tall City," is a thriving hub in the Permian Basin, famed for its rich oil industry. With a population surpassing 146,000, Midland boasts a strong economy, cultural diversity, and notable residents, including former U.S. President George H. W. Bush. The city's warm climate, robust educational system, and attractions like the Museum of the Southwest highlight its allure as a destination for both business and leisure.

incentives available in Midland for...
energy icon


Midland, Texas, has taken significant strides in energy efficiency, primarily driven by its status as a hub for the oil and gas industry. The city has embraced advanced technologies to reduce energy consumption in drilling and extraction processes, adopting automation and artificial intelligence to optimize operations. Renewable energy sources, particularly wind and solar, have also seen increased investment, with incentives for businesses and residents to integrate solar panels and energy storage systems. Energy efficiency programs for residential and commercial buildings are encouraged, with rebates for energy-efficient appliances and lighting. Midland’s Energy Tower, an emblematic downtown building, is a symbol of the city's commitment to modern, efficient infrastructure. The city has also initiated education campaigns to promote awareness of energy conservation practices among its citizens.

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Water conservation is a critical component of Midland's environmental focus, given its semi-arid climate. The city has implemented several water-saving measures, such as tiered water pricing to encourage conservation, restrictions on outdoor watering, and rebates for water-efficient appliances and xeriscaping, which involves landscaping with drought-resistant plants. Midland's water reclamation facilities have been upgraded to increase water recycling capabilities, thereby reducing the demand on freshwater sources. The city also maintains a robust water infrastructure monitoring system to quickly identify and repair leaks. Educational initiatives promote smart water use among residents, emphasizing the importance of conservation in ensuring a sustainable water supply for the city.

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Transportation efficiency in Midland is being actively improved to address the growing population and the consequent traffic demands. The city has made investments in public transportation, expanding the routes and fleet of the EZ-Rider bus service to offer residents a reliable alternative to driving. Bike-sharing programs and the development of pedestrian-friendly infrastructure encourage non-motorized modes of transit. The Midland International Air & Space Port provides connectivity for both personal and business travel, with continuous efforts to improve its efficiency. Midland has also started to integrate electric vehicle charging stations, reflecting a commitment to greener transportation options. Commuter programs have been established to reduce single-occupancy vehicle use, and the city promotes carpooling and telecommuting initiatives.

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Waste management in Midland is geared towards sustainability, with a focus on reducing landfill use and increasing recycling efforts. The city operates a comprehensive curbside recycling program, accepting a wide variety of materials, including plastics, paper, and metals. Additionally, Midland provides incentives for businesses that adopt zero-waste practices or participate in waste-audit programs. The city has invested in modernizing its waste processing facilities, allowing for increased recycling rates and better handling of hazardous waste. Yard waste is collected and composted, with the compost made available to the public and used in city landscaping projects. Public outreach programs educate residents on proper waste disposal and the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling.