
Menan personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $85,418

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $70
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $212
ENERGY Electrician $1300
ENERGY Door and Window $6
ENERGY Insulation $2050
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $70
ENERGY $3250
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $14700
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Menan, ID, is a small city located in Jefferson County, with an iconic feature being the Menan Buttes, one of the world's largest tuff cones. It has a rich agricultural heritage, with a tight-knit community and scenic rural landscapes. Notable for outdoor recreation and its historical significance, Menan provides a snapshot of tranquil, small-town life.

incentives available in Menan for...
energy icon


Menan, Idaho has been progressively adopting energy efficiency measures, with many homes incorporating LED lighting and high-efficiency appliances to reduce electricity consumption. Photovoltaic solar installations have seen an uptick in residential and commercial properties, supported by state incentives such as the Idaho Power solar buyback program. Menan's local government has been contemplating the installation of municipal solar arrays to power public buildings, with a feasibility study currently underway. The city has been working in tandem with community programs to conduct energy audits for older buildings, promoting retrofits that enhance insulation and energy conservation. The recent opening of a new energy efficiency education center aims to inform residents about reducing their energy footprint. Efforts to reduce reliance on fossil fuels are evident, as the community has shown interest in the Idaho Power's Green Power Program, where consumers can purchase renewable energy. The rural nature of Menan means that many homesteads utilize geothermal heating where possible, tapping into Idaho's abundant geothermal resources. The city's small businesses have also been incentivized to upgrade their lighting systems to LED under the Small Business Energy Savings Program. Despite the push for renewables, Menan's energy profile remains partially dependent on regional hydroelectric and fossil fuel sources. The city has not yet implemented a large-scale renewable energy project, but community discussions have indicated a strong interest in exploring wind energy potential, reflecting a growing environmental consciousness among residents. Menan's energy efficiency initiatives are crucial for its environmental goals, and continuous community engagement and awareness programs are pivotal in maintaining the momentum towards a more sustainable energy future.

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Water efficiency in Menan is a priority given Idaho's semi-arid climate and the importance of water for agricultural activities in the region. The city has invested in modern irrigation technologies that reduce water waste, including drip irrigation and soil moisture sensors for its community garden and public landscaping. These initiatives not only conserve water but also serve as educational tools for local farmers. The city's infrastructure has been updated to include water-efficient fixtures in public buildings, and there is ongoing encouragement for residents to adopt similar measures. Menan is part of the larger Eastern Idaho watershed, and collaborative water management with surrounding areas is essential. The city has been promoting xeriscaping among homeowners, using native plants that require less water, reducing the community's overall water demand. The municipal water system is subject to regular audits to ensure that leaks and inefficiencies are addressed promptly. Groundwater protection is also a focus, as the city relies on aquifers for its water supply. An initiative to protect the water quality from agricultural runoff has been implemented, involving buffer zones and proper fertilizer management. Menan's water conservation efforts are further supported by state programs like the Idaho Water Resource Board's water efficiency projects, which provide technical and financial assistance. Initiatives for rainwater harvesting are in early stages but show promise for supplemental water sources for non-potable uses. Future plans include community workshops on water conservation and potentially revisiting policies to incentivize the adoption of water-efficient appliances in homes.

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Transportation efficiency in Menan is a complex issue due to its rural location which affects commuting patterns and availability of public transit options. There is a reliance on personal vehicles for transportation, as public bus services are limited and primarily cater to nearby larger cities. To improve transportation efficiency, the city has been encouraging carpooling and ride-sharing, especially for travel to and from work, through community bulletin boards and online platforms. Menan has seen an increase in the use of electric vehicles (EVs), supported by the installation of several EV charging stations within the region. These stations are part of a broader network aimed at enabling long-distance EV travel through Idaho. The local government is exploring grant opportunities to expand this infrastructure and further promote EV adoption. Efforts are underway to improve non-motorized transportation, with discussions around expanding and improving the safety of pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. While bike usage remains low, there is potential for growth with proper investment and promotion. Menan benefits from Idaho's scenic byways, which attract recreational cyclists, and leveraging this interest could support a shift towards more sustainable local transportation habits. The city's compact size makes it feasible for residents to walk for local errands, but a lack of sidewalks in some areas impedes this option. Menan is part of regional transportation planning discussions that look at future road improvements and potential expansion of public transit that could better serve rural communities. These discussions are in line with a broader recognition of the need to reduce transportation-related emissions and improve air quality, an issue of increasing concern to both Menan's residents and policymakers.

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Menan has adopted a proactive approach to managing waste, emphasizing the reduction of landfill use through recycling and composting programs. The city's participation in Eastern Idaho's recycling programs allows residents to recycle paper, cardboard, metal, and certain plastics. However, the rural nature of Menan suggests lower recycling rates compared to urban centers, largely due to logistical challenges in collection and processing. To address this, Menan has encouraged community drop-off events for hazardous household waste, ensuring safe disposal of items like batteries, paint, and electronics. Local schools have been instrumental in fostering waste reduction education, integrating environmental stewardship into their curricula. The city has seen a rise in backyard composting initiatives, with some local farms offering composting workshops to encourage organic waste diversion. Menan has yet to establish a comprehensive curbside composting service but has shown a growing interest in sustainable waste management practices. The city's small size means that most waste management services are contracted out to regional providers who handle collection and processing. There has been a recent push to expand the types of recyclable materials accepted, though the market for recyclables remains volatile. A key challenge is the contamination of recyclables, which undermines the efficiency of the recycling process; therefore, educational campaigns are being enhanced to address this issue. Menan is exploring partnerships with nearby municipalities to optimize waste management through economies of scale, seeking to collaborate on a more comprehensive waste diversion strategy that could increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the waste management system.