
Lumberton personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,862

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Electrician $182
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $250

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residential energy savings


Lumberton, TX is a small city in Hardin County, known for its quality schools, family-friendly atmosphere, and proximity to the Big Thicket National Preserve. With a population of around 13,000, it's part of the Beaumont-Port Arthur metropolitan area. Lumberton is also acclaimed for its annual Village Creek Festival, which celebrates the community and local culture. The local economy is diverse, with education, retail, and health care being major sectors. The city continues to grow while maintaining its small-town charm.

incentives available in Lumberton for...
energy icon


The City of Lumberton, TX, has made strides in promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. The local government encourages the installation of solar panels on residential and commercial buildings. Incentive programs for solar energy have led to a noticeable increase in their adoption, with numerous homes and local businesses featuring photovoltaic systems. Energy-efficient building practices are encouraged through local building codes that have been updated to reflect modern energy standards. LED street lighting has been installed throughout the city to reduce energy consumption. Furthermore, there has been an effort to educate the public on energy conservation methods, such as the proper insulation of homes, energy-efficient appliances, and smart home systems to monitor and control energy use. The Public Utility Commission of Texas also provides rebates for certain home energy efficiency improvements, contributing to Lumberton's progress in this area.

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Water conservation is a priority in Lumberton, TX, where the city has enacted measures to ensure a sustainable water supply. The city's water utility maintains a robust infrastructure for water delivery and has invested in leak detection to minimize waste. Rainwater harvesting is encouraged, and some residents and businesses have installed collection systems to reuse rainwater for irrigation and other non-potable uses. Water-efficient landscaping, known as xeriscaping, is gaining popularity as a method to reduce outdoor water use. The city offers incentives for water-saving appliances and fixtures such as low-flow toilets and showerheads. Lumberton's educational outreach promotes water conservation tips and practices. Efforts are also made to protect the water quality of local water bodies through initiatives to reduce runoff and contamination.

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Transportation efficiency in Lumberton, TX, has been bolstered by several initiatives aimed at reducing traffic congestion and lowering emissions. The city has made improvements to its transportation infrastructure, with road enhancements and better traffic management systems. There are incentives for residents to purchase fuel-efficient and electric vehicles, including electric vehicle charging stations installed in public areas. Lumberton promotes carpooling and ride-sharing services to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. The city is also exploring the potential for bike lanes and pedestrian paths to encourage non-motorized transport options. Local businesses are encouraged to adopt flexible work schedules, reducing peak traffic volumes. Public transportation options, though limited, are being evaluated for potential expansion to meet the needs of residents and decrease reliance on individual car use.

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Lumberton has implemented comprehensive waste management practices to enhance waste diversion and recycling. The city provides curbside recycling services to all residents to facilitate the separation and collection of recyclable materials, thus reducing the volume of waste sent to landfills. There are also specialized recycling programs for electronics and hazardous household waste to promote safe disposal practices. The city has encouraged businesses to participate in recycling programs and reduce packaging waste. Local education campaigns focus on reducing, reusing, and recycling, aiming to create a culture of environmental responsibility among citizens. Lumberton has seen an increase in composting activities, both at the residential and community levels, which helps reduce organic waste. The city has also explored partnerships with waste-to-energy facilities to find sustainable ways of dealing with non-recyclable waste.