
Lihue personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Lihue, HI, is the county seat of Kauai, known for its tropical climate and rich history. With a population of around 7,000, it serves as the island's commercial and governmental hub. Key attractions include Kalapaki Beach, the Kauai Museum, and Nawiliwili Harbor. Lihue also hosts the main airport on the island, making it a primary gateway for tourists. The area is famed for its lush landscapes, including the nearby Wailua Falls and Grove Farm Homestead Museum, showcasing Kauai's sugar plantation heritage.

incentives available in Lihue for...
energy icon


Lihue, HI, has increasingly focused on renewable energy solutions, with solar installations becoming more common due to the high potential for solar power generation in the region. The local government offers incentives for solar panel installations, reducing the initial cost for residents and businesses. Additionally, measures to increase energy efficiency in buildings have been implemented, with many properties now boasting energy-efficient appliances and lighting systems. The island's commitment to sustainability is also evident in its exploration of wind energy, though this is less developed compared to solar. Microgrid solutions are being considered to enhance the reliability of the power network, particularly to weather the island's occasional tropical storms.

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Water conservation in Lihue, HI, is of particular importance given the island's limited freshwater resources. Rainwater harvesting systems are becoming more prevalent, and there are rebates available for the installation of high-efficiency water fixtures in homes and businesses. Landscaping practices are also geared towards drought-resistant plants to reduce the need for irrigation. The local government has invested in upgrading water infrastructure to minimize leaks and losses. Reclaimed water is being used for irrigation purposes in golf courses and public parks, which lessens the strain on potable water supplies. Education campaigns focus on the importance of water conservation, promoting behaviors such as shorter showers and fixing household leaks promptly.

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Transportation efficiency in Lihue, HI, has been a growing focus, with developments in public transit and support for alternative transportation methods. The local bus service has been expanded to provide more frequent and reliable service to key areas, including the airport, shopping centers, and residential areas. There are incentives for electric vehicles (EVs), including tax rebates and the growing availability of EV charging stations. The municipality has been enhancing bike lanes and pedestrian pathways to encourage walking and cycling, particularly in the downtown area. Car-sharing services and ride-hailing apps are becoming more popular, offering residents and tourists options that can reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

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Waste management in Lihue, HI, has seen significant improvements, with the local authorities emphasizing recycling and composting. Curbside recycling programs are in place, encouraging residents to segregate paper, plastic, and metals. The community has also embraced the zero-waste movement, promoting the reduction of single-use plastics and the reuse of materials. Educational campaigns about proper waste sorting have increased awareness and participation. Local businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through waste audits and incentives for achieving waste reduction targets. The landfill diversion rate has been improving steadily as a result of these combined efforts.