
Lewisville personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $38,780

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Lewisville, TX, founded in 1841, is a dynamic suburban city in North Texas, known for its consistently high-ranking public schools and recreational opportunities, especially around Lewisville Lake. With a diverse population, vibrant local economy, and proximity to Dallas, Lewisville has grown into a bustling hub of culture and commerce. Notable for hosting the Western Days festival and a rich historical downtown, the city seamlessly blends its pioneering past with modern living.

incentives available in Lewisville for...
energy icon


Lewisville, TX, is making strides in renewable energy integration, with solar panel installations becoming more prevalent. The city has initiatives to encourage businesses and homeowners to adopt solar energy, which includes offering tax incentives and rebates. Energy-efficient buildings are becoming the standard, with the city adopting the latest International Energy Conservation Code. The city also supports the use of LED lighting in public spaces, reducing the municipal energy consumption significantly. Through partnerships with energy providers, residents are encouraged to participate in energy-saving programs, such as off-peak hour energy use reduction. Lewisville's commitment to energy efficiency is also evident in its support for electric vehicle charging infrastructure, which promotes the reduction of fossil fuel dependency.

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Water conservation is a top priority for Lewisville, with the city implementing smart irrigation systems in public areas that adjust watering based on weather conditions. There is an active campaign to educate residents on water-saving techniques, including the distribution of water-efficient fixtures. The city's water treatment facilities use advanced technologies to ensure the efficient use of water and to maintain high water quality standards. Reclaimed water programs are in place for non-potable uses, helping to ease the demand on freshwater resources. Lewisville's comprehensive water management plan includes regular infrastructure upgrades to prevent leaks and to promote water conservation. Additionally, rainwater harvesting is actively promoted among residents, with workshops and financial incentives offered to encourage this practice.

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Transportation in Lewisville is becoming increasingly efficient with the expansion of public transit options including bus and rail services provided by the Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA). This connects Lewisville to the wider DFW Metroplex, reducing car dependency for daily commutes. The city has invested in pedestrian-friendly infrastructure with more sidewalks and bike lanes to encourage walking and cycling as alternative modes of transportation. Traffic management has been improved with the implementation of smart traffic signals that reduce congestion and vehicle idling times. There are also programs in place to encourage carpooling and ride-sharing, aimed at reducing the number of vehicles on the road. The city's commitment to a multimodal transportation system is evident in its planning and investment strategies, which promote both efficiency and environmental sustainability.

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Lewisville has an advanced waste management system that emphasizes recycling and waste reduction. The city provides comprehensive curbside recycling services and has a robust yard waste composting program. Residents are encouraged to minimize waste through the 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' campaign. The city hosts regular hazardous waste collection events to ensure proper disposal of such materials. Additionally, Lewisville operates a state-of-the-art landfill that utilizes methane capture technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Education programs in schools and community centers aim to instill waste reduction practices from a young age. Businesses are also incentivized to adopt sustainable waste management practices through recognition programs.