
Leavenworth personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,834

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Electrician $4
ENERGY Insulation $300
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Leavenworth, KS, known as the "First City of Kansas," was founded in 1854. It's home to the renowned Fort Leavenworth, the oldest active U.S. Army post west of Washington, D.C., and the federal United States Penitentiary. Leavenworth boasts historical architecture, the National Cemetery, and the Buffalo Soldier Monument, commemorating African American soldiers' contributions. The city is pivotal in military, penal, and architectural history, attracting visitors interested in its unique heritage.

incentives available in Leavenworth for...
energy icon


Leavenworth, KS has taken significant strides in improving energy efficiency through the adoption of LED street lighting, reducing municipal energy consumption substantially. The city incentivizes residential and commercial buildings to upgrade to energy-efficient appliances and HVAC systems, promoting lower energy usage and decreased greenhouse gas emissions. Utility companies offer rebates for customers who install energy-efficient windows and insulation, leading to a city-wide effort to reduce energy waste. Solar panel installations have grown in popularity, supported by state and federal tax credits, contributing to a cleaner energy mix and fostering local energy independence. Energy audits for public buildings are routine, aimed at continuously improving energy management and identifying cost-saving opportunities. The city's commitment is also evident in its support for community programs that educate residents on energy conservation techniques, encouraging sustainable consumer behavior. Energy-efficient public transportation options, such as hybrid buses, complement the city's energy conservation goals, further reducing the carbon footprint. Leavenworth's efforts in energy conservation reflect a broader trend within the state of Kansas to transition towards renewable energy sources and improve energy independence.

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Leavenworth has implemented a robust water management program focused on conservation, quality, and infrastructure efficiency. The city maintains a modern water treatment facility, ensuring that tap water meets or exceeds state and federal standards for safety and quality. To reduce water waste, Leavenworth has introduced tiered water pricing, incentivizing residents and businesses to conserve water and penalizing excessive use. Rebates are offered for the installation of water-efficient fixtures and appliances, such as low-flow toilets and ENERGY STAR-rated dishwashers and washing machines. The city also employs smart metering technology to detect leaks and monitor water usage in real time. Rain barrel programs and xeriscaping incentives encourage the adoption of water-saving landscaping practices. Education campaigns focus on water-saving techniques for homeowners, such as fixing leaks and choosing drought-resistant plants. Stormwater management efforts, including the construction of retention basins and rain gardens, help mitigate runoff and protect the local watershed. Additionally, Leavenworth has invested in the maintenance and upgrading of its aging water infrastructure to prevent water loss and ensure sustainable water delivery.

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Transportation efficiency in Leavenworth is a growing priority, with a focus on reducing vehicle emissions and promoting alternative modes of transit. The city has invested in the development of bike lanes and pedestrian pathways to encourage non-vehicular travel, supporting a healthier lifestyle and reducing traffic congestion. Public transportation options have been enhanced, including the addition of energy-efficient buses to the local fleet, offering a cleaner and more cost-effective alternative to personal car use. Ride-sharing programs and carpooling initiatives are incentivized, aiming to decrease the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road and lower overall transportation-related emissions. Leavenworth is part of regional transportation discussions, collaborating with neighboring cities to improve commuter services and intercity connectivity. The city is also exploring the feasibility of electric vehicle charging stations to support the growing number of EV owners and encourage the transition to electric mobility. To reduce reliance on personal vehicles, Leavenworth promotes telecommuting and flexible work arrangements, where feasible, as part of a broader effort to curtail transportation-related energy consumption and contribute to a sustainable urban environment.

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Leavenworth's waste management system emphasizes reduction, reuse, and recycling with the goal of diverting as much waste as possible from landfills. The city has implemented a comprehensive curbside recycling program that accepts a variety of materials, including paper, plastics, and metals, thereby making recycling convenient for residents. A local e-waste program allows for the safe disposal of electronics, preventing harmful substances from contaminating the environment. The city's waste management department conducts regular household hazardous waste collection events, ensuring proper disposal of items like paints, batteries, and solvents. To further minimize waste, Leavenworth has encouraged businesses to reduce packaging and use environmentally-friendly materials. Yard waste is collected separately and processed into compost, which is made available to residents and helps promote soil health. Initiatives to educate the public about the importance of waste reduction include community workshops and school programs. The city's commitment to sustainable waste management practices is also seen in its support for upcycling and donation programs, aiming to extend the lifecycle of products and reduce landfill strain.