Map/New York/Lawrence

Lawrence personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $46,606

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $50
ENERGY Electrician $3105
ENERGY Door and Window $1
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $5550
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $1000

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residential energy savings


Lawrence, NY, a Nassau County village, is located on the South Shore of Long Island. Established in 1844, it's part of the Five Towns area, known for its affluent communities, beautiful homes, and private schools. It has a population of about 6,500 with a diverse demographic makeup. The village boasts a rich history, scenic parks, and is served by the Lawrence Public School District. Lawrence has a strong local economy with a mix of small businesses and luxury shops. The village also enjoys proximity to New York City, making it a desirable location for commuters.

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energy icon


Lawrence, NY has made substantial strides in energy efficiency over recent years. The town has incentivized residential and commercial energy audits, allowing property owners to identify and implement cost-effective energy-saving measures. Solar panel installations have gained popularity due to tax credits and rebate programs, thereby decreasing reliance on non-renewable energy sources. Investments in LED street lighting have reduced municipal energy consumption significantly. The local government has encouraged the adoption of energy-efficient appliances through various rebate programs, particularly for ENERGY STAR-rated products. A community solar program allows residents to partake in solar energy benefits without needing on-site installation. Energy education programs have been established to inform citizens about the importance of conservation and efficiency. Local businesses have been following sustainable practices by retrofitting their facilities with energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Additionally, smart grid technology has been introduced to improve the efficiency of electricity distribution and reduce energy loss.

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Lawrence, NY has implemented various measures to enhance water efficiency and safeguard water resources. The town's infrastructure has been upgraded to include water-saving fixtures in public buildings, leading to reduced consumption. Leak detection systems are in place to promptly address water loss within the municipal supply network. Rainwater harvesting and graywater reuse systems have been encouraged for irrigation and non-potable uses, lessening the strain on freshwater resources. Water-wise landscaping, including the use of native plants and xeriscaping, has been promoted through educational programs and incentives. Smart irrigation technologies such as moisture sensors have been adopted in public parks to optimize watering schedules and prevent overuse. The local government has introduced tiered water pricing to discourage excessive usage and encourage conservation. Additionally, community outreach programs focus on water conservation strategies for residents, advocating for actions like fixing leaks and installing low-flow fixtures in homes.

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Transportation efficiency in Lawrence, NY has seen advancements with the adoption of multiple initiatives. Public transportation has been strengthened with the addition of hybrid and electric buses to the fleet, reducing emissions and fuel consumption. Bike-sharing programs and the development of bike lanes encourage residents to opt for healthier and eco-friendlier modes of transit. The town has also installed electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in key locations, promoting the transition to EVs. Carpooling and rideshare services are widely encouraged, supported by dedicated carpool parking spaces. The local government has been involved in regional planning to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion through intelligent transportation systems. In an effort to promote sustainable transportation, incentives for purchasing low-emission vehicles have been provided. A 'Safe Routes to School' program enhances the walkability around schools, thereby reducing the need for short car trips. Investments in infrastructure have also been made to ensure the maintenance of roads and sidewalks, which improves overall transportation efficiency and safety.

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Waste management in Lawrence, NY focuses on reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal. The town has implemented a comprehensive curbside recycling program that accepts a wide variety of materials, aiming to divert waste from landfills. There are also periodic hazardous waste collection events to safely dispose of items such as batteries, electronics, and paint, preventing environmental contamination. Local ordinances mandate businesses and multi-family residences to adhere to strict recycling guidelines. The town has also promoted composting as a means to reduce organic waste and educate residents about its benefits for soil health. Efforts to minimize single-use plastics through community campaigns have seen support from both citizens and businesses. A local waste-to-energy plant contributes to the reduction of landfill use and generates electricity in the process. Furthermore, waste reduction workshops and school programs aim to foster a culture of sustainability from a young age.