
Laurel personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $38,175

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Electrician $40
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $200
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $200
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Laurel, MD, is a vibrant city located midway between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore. Known for its rich history and diverse community, Laurel offers numerous parks, a historic downtown area, and the National Security Agency at Fort Meade nearby. Key events include the annual Main Street Festival. The city also boasts the Laurel Park Racecourse, contributing to Maryland's strong equestrian heritage. Laurel's dynamic economy blends retail, manufacturing, and technology sectors, making it a regional employment center.

incentives available in Laurel for...
energy icon


Laurel, Maryland, has made significant strides in energy efficiency, embracing renewable energy sources and implementing various conservation programs. The city benefits from Maryland's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint, with incentives like tax credits and rebates for solar panel installation. Residents are encouraged to participate in community solar projects, which allow those without suitable roofs to benefit from solar energy. Energy-efficient appliances and home retrofits are promoted through local utility programs, offering rebates that lower the initial cost barrier. The local government has upgraded public buildings with energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, reducing municipal energy consumption. The city also supports the development of microgrids, enhancing energy security and resilience. The use of LED streetlights has grown, helping to reduce the city's energy expenses. Laurel's businesses are incentivized to conduct energy audits and invest in energy-saving technologies, contributing to a more sustainable commercial sector. Smart metering initiatives help homeowners and businesses to better manage their energy use. The city's commitment to green building standards ensures that new constructions prioritize energy efficiency. Additionally, educational campaigns raise awareness about energy conservation practices, driving community-wide behavior change. The city's multifaceted approach positions Laurel as a leader in energy efficiency in the region, with the aim of sustainable growth and reduced environmental impact.

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Water efficiency in Laurel is a critical component of the city's sustainability efforts. The local water utility employs advanced metering infrastructure to detect leaks and monitor usage, ensuring efficient water delivery and minimizing waste. Incentive programs encourage residents to install low-flow toilets and showerheads, which significantly reduce household water consumption. The city has upgraded its water treatment plant to enhance the purification process and minimize energy use, reflecting a commitment to both water and energy efficiency. Rain barrel distribution programs and rain garden initiatives help capture stormwater, reducing runoff and promoting groundwater recharge. Homeowners are also encouraged to participate in xeriscaping workshops, which teach water-wise landscaping techniques suited for the region's climate. The utility's aggressive maintenance program addresses aging infrastructure to prevent water loss throughout the distribution system. Water conservation education is a priority, with outreach campaigns targeting schools, community groups, and businesses. Efficient irrigation practices are advanced through the use of smart controllers in public spaces, which adjust watering based on weather conditions. Rebates are available for the adoption of water-efficient appliances in both residential and commercial settings. Conservation rates for water use incentivize reduced consumption by implementing a tiered pricing system. Through these measures, Laurel aims to secure its water resources for the future while promoting sustainable practices among its citizens.

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Transportation efficiency in Laurel is characterized by a well-connected network that supports sustainable transit options. The city benefits from proximity to regional transit hubs, including MARC train stations, providing residents with alternatives to driving. Laurel's commitment to a pedestrian-friendly environment is evident through the maintenance of sidewalks and the creation of safe crosswalks, encouraging walking as a viable transportation option. Bike-sharing programs and the expansion of bike lanes cater to cyclists, promoting a healthy and environmentally friendly mode of transport. The city's public transportation system, including bus services, is continuously evaluated for efficiency to ensure it meets the needs of commuters. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are increasingly available, encouraging residents to consider electric mobility. Tax incentives are provided for the purchase of EVs, bolstering their adoption. Carpooling and ride-sharing are facilitated through partnerships with service providers and promotional campaigns. Telecommuting policies and flexible work schedules for city employees reduce traffic congestion and peak-time travel demand. Traffic management systems are modernized to enhance the flow of vehicles and reduce idle times. Laurel has also focused on transit-oriented development, fostering communities where daily needs are accessible without reliance on personal vehicles. Overall, these transportation initiatives reflect a concerted effort to reduce emissions, alleviate congestion, and provide accessible, efficient transit options for all residents.

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Laurel's approach to waste management focuses on reducing landfill intake through aggressive recycling and reuse programs. The city has adopted single-stream recycling, simplifying the process for residents and increasing participation rates. There are regular curbside collections for recyclables, yard waste, and bulk items, contributing to a high waste diversion rate. Electronic waste recycling programs prevent hazardous materials from entering the landfill, with drop-off events held periodically. The city has also implemented a composting program for organic waste, turning kitchen scraps and yard debris into useful compost for landscaping and gardening. Local businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through best practices and waste audits, bolstering corporate responsibility. The 'pay-as-you-throw' initiative financially incentivizes households to reduce the trash they generate, with variable pricing based on the amount of non-recyclable waste. Educational outreach programs are essential, teaching school children and residents about the importance of waste reduction. The city has embraced a circular economy mindset, supporting local thrift shops and repair cafes that extend the life of goods. A plastic bag ban reduces single-use plastics and litter, promoting the use of reusable shopping bags. Laurel also targets construction and demolition waste, enforcing recycling and proper disposal to minimize the environmental impact. These comprehensive waste strategies align with Maryland's statewide goals for waste reduction and recycling.