Map/Texas/Lake Dallas

Lake Dallas personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $38,780

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings

Lake Dallas

Lake Dallas, TX, nestled in Denton County, is a charming city with a rich history and a population of roughly 7,000. Known for its scenic shores along Lewisville Lake, the city boasts recreational opportunities like boating and fishing. It celebrates community spirit through annual events like the Lake Cities 4th of July. With a strong sense of local pride, Lake Dallas features excellent schools, a variety of parks, and a close-knit atmosphere, highlighting its small-town vibe within the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.

incentives available in Lake Dallas for...
energy icon


Lake Dallas has made strides in improving energy efficiency through various measures. The city has adopted LED streetlights, significantly reducing electricity consumption for public lighting. Solar panel installations have increased, driven by state incentives and the falling costs of solar technology, allowing homeowners and businesses to generate clean energy. The utility providers offer energy efficiency programs, including rebates for energy-efficient appliances and home energy audits, which help residents identify ways to save energy. Additionally, the municipal buildings have been retrofitted to improve energy efficiency, with upgrades to HVAC systems and improved insulation. The city's commitment to renewable energy is seen in its support for wind power, as Texas leads the nation in wind energy production. Residents participate in grid-tied systems, which further encourages the use of renewable sources and reduces reliance on fossil fuels. Furthermore, public awareness campaigns educate the community about energy conservation techniques, encouraging a culture of sustainability.

energy icon


Water efficiency in Lake Dallas is a critical aspect of the city's environmental initiatives. The city has implemented a water conservation plan that includes tiered pricing to incentivize lower water usage. The public utility promotes the use of water-efficient fixtures and appliances with rebate programs that encourage residents to replace old, high-flow models. Lake Dallas has invested in updating its water infrastructure to reduce leaks and conserve water. Smart metering technology provides homeowners with detailed water use data, allowing for better management and identification of leaks. Rainwater harvesting systems are becoming more common, supported by educational programs on their benefits and usage. The city's landscaping ordinances encourage the use of drought-resistant plants and xeriscaping techniques to minimize water demand for irrigation. Watering restrictions are in place to prevent overuse during periods of low rainfall. Educational outreach programs aim to raise awareness about the importance of water conservation both in schools and the broader community.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Lake Dallas is supported by a variety of initiatives aimed at reducing traffic congestion and lowering emissions. The city promotes the use of alternative transportation modes such as bicycling, and there are bike lanes and trails that facilitate safe and convenient travel by bike. Public transportation options are available through regional providers, offering residents alternatives to single-occupancy vehicle commutes. Carpooling is encouraged, and there are resources available to help residents find carpool partners. The city has seen an increase in the use of electric and hybrid vehicles, partly due to state incentives that make these vehicles more affordable. Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles is expanding, with several charging stations available in public areas. The city also hosts occasional 'ride-share' days and 'bike to work' events to promote public transportation and cycling. Efforts to improve traffic flow include synchronized traffic signals and road maintenance to prevent congestion. These measures collectively enhance transportation efficiency and contribute to a reduction in the carbon footprint of Lake Dallas.

energy icon


Lake Dallas has implemented robust waste reduction programs aimed at increasing recycling rates and reducing landfill use. The city facilitates curbside recycling services, which accept a wide range of materials, making it convenient for residents to recycle. There is also a focus on composting, with community composting initiatives that reduce organic waste. The city has a hazardous waste collection program that safely disposes of items like batteries, paint, and electronics, preventing them from entering landfills. Businesses in Lake Dallas are encouraged to minimize waste through waste audits and are recognized for their sustainability efforts. The 'single-stream' recycling system has simplified the process for residents, leading to an increase in the amount of waste recycled. Educational programs in schools and community events focus on the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling. The city has also developed partnerships with local organizations to sponsor clean-up events, promoting a culture of environmental stewardship.