King personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $42,430

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4650
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $600
ENERGY Insulation $200
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


King, NC, is a charming city in Stokes County with a population of approximately 7,000. Founded in 1888, it is part of the Piedmont Triad region and has a rich tobacco and agricultural history. Notable for its friendly community and picturesque surroundings, King features local parks such as Central Park and Recreation Acres, and it acts as a gateway to the nearby Sauratown Mountains. The city celebrates annual events like the KingFest, showcasing its vibrant local culture and community spirit.

incentives available in King for...
energy icon


King, North Carolina, has been focusing on improving energy efficiency across residential, commercial, and municipal sectors. The local government has incentivized the adoption of LED lighting in public spaces, leading to significant reductions in energy consumption and longer-lasting light sources. Local businesses have been encouraged to participate in energy audit programs, resulting in a number of establishments retrofitting their facilities with energy-efficient appliances and HVAC systems. King's residential areas have seen a surge in solar panel installations, thanks to rebates and tax incentives provided for renewable energy solutions. The city also promotes the Energy Star program, encouraging citizens to purchase energy-efficient products. Efforts to educate the public on the benefits of energy conservation have been rolled out in schools and community centers. The city has a goal to reduce energy consumption by a substantial percentage in the coming years, and these combined measures have contributed to a steady decline in overall energy use within the community.

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Water conservation in King is taken seriously, with numerous programs in place to reduce usage and protect the local water supply. The city has invested in water-efficient infrastructure, including the installation of low-flow faucets and toilets in public buildings. Rainwater harvesting systems have been encouraged among homeowners, with rebates available to those who install such systems. To reduce water loss, King's water utility has been proactive in detecting and repairing leaks in the municipal piping system. There are educational campaigns that teach citizens about the importance of water conservation and practical measures they can implement at home. Landscape ordinances encourage the use of native plants that require less watering, and there is ongoing research into drought-resistant crops for local agriculture. The city also offers incentives for businesses that implement water-saving measures, such as upgrading to water-efficient industrial processes. These initiatives have collectively contributed to a noticeable reduction in per capita water consumption.

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Transportation efficiency in King has been a focal point for reducing emissions and traffic congestion. The city has made efforts to expand public transportation options, including enhancing the efficiency and coverage of bus services. There is encouragement for carpooling and the use of park-and-ride facilities, supported by a local app that facilitates ride-sharing among residents. Efforts to promote cycling have led to the development of bike lanes and bike-sharing programs. The city has also installed electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in strategic locations to support the growing number of EVs. Programs have been put in place to encourage the use of alternative fuels for municipal vehicles. The local government has conducted studies to improve traffic flow and reduce idling, thereby lowering fuel consumption and emissions. These actions, together with public awareness campaigns on the benefits of using alternative transportation, aim to create a more sustainable and efficient transportation system in King.

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Waste management in King has been optimized through an extensive recycling program that supports single-stream recycling, making it easier for residents to recycle a wide range of materials. The local waste management department has introduced curbside pickup for recyclable materials, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills. Composting initiatives have been encouraged within the community to handle organic waste and promote sustainable gardening practices. The city has developed an electronic waste recycling program, preventing harmful materials from entering the waste stream and encouraging responsible disposal of electronics. Businesses in King are offered incentives for adopting waste reduction practices, such as reduced waste disposal fees for those demonstrating significant waste diversion from landfills. Educational programs in schools and public forums have been successful in raising awareness about the importance of waste reduction and recycling. The local government has committed to achieving a waste diversion rate that reflects a significant improvement over previous years.