
Kihei personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Kihei is a sun-soaked town on Maui's southwest shore in Hawaii known for its long stretches of golden beaches, clear waters, and spectacular sunsets. Popular for snorkeling, whale watching, and beachside activities, Kihei also boasts a variety of dining and shopping options. With a dry and sunny climate, it serves as a perfect getaway for tourists seeking both relaxation and adventure.

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energy icon


Kihei, Hawaii, has increasingly embraced renewable energy sources to ensure energy efficiency and sustainability. Solar energy is predominant due to the area's abundant sunshine, with many residential and commercial buildings equipped with photovoltaic panels. Local initiatives and incentives have encouraged the adoption of solar water heaters, contributing to lower electricity demand. The state's Renewable Portfolio Standard mandates a transition to 100% renewable energy sources by 2045, which Kihei supports through community solar projects and potential investments in wind energy. Energy-efficient appliances are promoted through rebate programs, and there are educational campaigns to raise awareness about energy conservation. As a result, Kihei is seeing a gradual decrease in reliance on imported fossil fuels, improved energy self-sufficiency, and a reduction in carbon emissions. Smart grid technology is being explored to optimize energy distribution and reduce waste.

energy icon


Water conservation is critical in Kihei, where the climate is generally dry, and water resources are limited. The region relies on both surface water and groundwater sources, implementing strict regulations to prevent over-extraction. Water-efficient landscaping or xeriscaping is widely promoted to minimize outdoor water use. Drip irrigation systems are commonly used in agriculture to reduce water wastage. The local government offers rebates for water-efficient appliances and fixtures, such as low-flow toilets and showerheads. Rainwater harvesting is an emerging practice, supported by educational initiatives to teach residents about its benefits and implementation. There is an ongoing effort to upgrade the water infrastructure to reduce leaks and improve distribution efficiency. Reclaimed water is utilized for non-potable purposes like irrigation, helping to alleviate the demand on freshwater resources.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Kihei is a growing focus, with efforts to reduce traffic congestion and lower carbon emissions. The region supports various modes of transportation, including public buses, which helps lower the number of vehicles on the road. Infrastructure improvements such as bike lanes and sidewalks encourage non-motorized transportation, promoting healthier lifestyles and reducing fossil fuel use. Carpooling and ride-sharing services have been gaining popularity, facilitated by local platforms and community initiatives. There's an interest in expanding electric vehicle (EV) adoption, driven by state incentives like tax credits and rebates for EV purchases and the installation of EV charging stations. Kihei aims to integrate more sustainable transportation options and improve traffic flow, which will contribute to reducing the overall environmental footprint of travel while enhancing the quality of life for residents and visitors.

energy icon


Waste management in Kihei prioritizes reduction, reuse, and recycling to minimize the environmental impact. There are comprehensive recycling programs that accept a wide range of materials, including plastics, glass, metals, and paper. Green waste is collected separately and processed into compost locally, reducing landfill usage and providing residents with a valuable soil amendment. Electronic waste is also handled with special care to prevent hazardous substances from contaminating the environment. The community is encouraged to participate in periodic hazardous waste collection events to ensure safe disposal. Thrift stores and donation centers support the reuse of goods, and educational programs teach the importance of minimizing waste. Kihei's waste management policies aim to extend landfill life, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and encourage responsible consumption patterns.