
Kaneohe personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Kaneohe, Hawaii, on the island of Oahu, is known for its stunning Ko'olau Mountains and Kaneohe Bay. Home to Marine Corps Base Hawaii, it offers lush botanical gardens, He'eia State Park, and is a hub for outdoor recreation. Its diverse population proudly maintains Hawaiian culture and history.

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energy icon


Kaneohe, Hawaii, has a strong commitment to renewable energy, reflecting the state's overall goal to reach 100% renewable energy by 2045. The region leverages its abundant natural resources, including solar, wind, and bioenergy. Residential solar installations are particularly popular, with many households taking advantage of state tax credits and the federal investment tax credit to install photovoltaic systems. Initiatives like the Hawaii Energy Efficiency Program encourage residents to adopt more energy-efficient practices and technologies, offering rebates for energy-efficient appliances and home retrofits. There is also a growing interest in electric vehicles, supported by an increasing number of charging stations, which further reduces reliance on fossil fuels. Military installations in the area, such as the Marine Corps Base Hawaii, have been pioneers in adopting renewable energy projects, including solar arrays and battery storage systems. Despite these advancements, Kaneohe faces challenges due to its isolated location and reliance on imported fossil fuels for remaining energy needs. The community continues to explore ways to improve energy resilience, such as microgrid systems and community renewable projects.

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Water conservation is of paramount importance in Kaneohe, with the Board of Water Supply (BWS) of Honolulu County implementing measures to ensure the sustainable use of this vital resource. Kaneohe benefits from the natural aquifer system, yet the community is mindful of protecting its water sources from pollution and overuse. The BWS promotes the use of low-flow fixtures and water-efficient appliances, incentivizing residents through rebates and educational programs. Xeriscaping, which involves landscaping with drought-tolerant plants, is also encouraged to reduce outdoor water use. There are ongoing investments in infrastructure to prevent water loss through leaks and to maintain the quality of the water supply. Water rates are structured to promote conservation, with higher rates for higher usage tiers. Stormwater management practices are in place to reduce runoff and pollution reaching Kaneohe Bay. Despite these efforts, the area's growing population and development pressures pose ongoing challenges to water conservation efforts, necessitating continued public engagement and investment in sustainable water management technologies.

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Transportation efficiency in Kaneohe is a focus of both local and state initiatives, given the impact of vehicular traffic on the environment and quality of life. Efforts to reduce traffic congestion and promote alternative modes of transportation are evident. The Hele-On Bus, operated by the Hawaii County Mass Transit Agency, provides public transportation services, although routes and frequencies are limited. There are incentives for carpooling and the use of high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. Active transportation is supported with bike lanes and pedestrian pathways, encouraging residents to bike or walk rather than drive. Moreover, the state's Clean Transportation Initiative encourages the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), and Kaneohe has seen a gradual increase in EV charging stations. Despite this, the lack of comprehensive public transportation options means many residents still rely on personal vehicles. To address this, there are discussions around improving the connectivity and coverage of public transit, as well as exploring innovative solutions like on-demand micro-transit services. Investments in transportation infrastructure, along with community education on the benefits of efficient transportation methods, are key to advancing transportation efficiency in the area.

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Waste management in Kaneohe is guided by Honolulu County's policies, aiming to reduce landfill use and promote recycling and waste-to-energy processes. The City and County of Honolulu operate a curbside recycling program, which includes bi-weekly pickup of mixed recyclables and green waste. Kaneohe residents are encouraged to minimize waste by participating in these programs. The H-POWER (Honolulu Program of Waste Energy Recovery) facility plays a crucial role in waste management by converting much of Oahu's municipal solid waste into electricity, thus reducing the volume of waste sent to landfills. There are also local initiatives to promote composting and reuse, aiming to foster a circular economy. However, the remote location of the islands poses challenges for waste export and recycling processes. Electronics and hazardous waste collection events are periodically organized to properly dispose of such items. Additionally, education programs in schools and community centers focus on waste reduction and the importance of recycling.