
Ider personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $49,395

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY Insulation $600
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Ider, AL, a quaint town in DeKalb County, boasts a close-knit community and rural charm. Known for its annual Mule Day festival, it celebrates agricultural heritage with events and parades. Ider has picturesque landscapes, local parks, and a supportive school system that anchors its family-friendly atmosphere. With a population of around 700, it maintains a peaceful, small-town vibe while offering residents a slice of traditional Southern living.

incentives available in Ider for...
energy icon


Ider, AL, has seen a gradual transition towards more sustainable energy practices. Local initiatives have promoted the adoption of LED lighting in public spaces, reducing electricity consumption. The small town has encouraged homeowners to install solar panels, with incentives like tax credits and net metering policies, allowing excess energy generation to be sold back to the grid. Energy efficiency in buildings is also a focal point, with several properties undergoing retrofitting to improve insulation and reduce heating and cooling costs. The community has shown interest in energy education programs to raise awareness about consumption and conservation practices. While the town's energy infrastructure is still largely dependent on non-renewable sources, these steps represent a significant move towards greener energy usage patterns.

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Water efficiency in Ider, AL, has made strides due to various conservation strategies. The town has invested in modernizing its water infrastructure to fix leaks and reduce loses from the water supply system. Rainwater harvesting is encouraged among residents, with rebates for installing rain barrels. The local water utility has initiated a tiered pricing structure to incentivize lower water usage. There is an emphasis on water-wise landscaping in public areas to reduce irrigation demand. Educational campaigns on water conservation techniques, such as fixing home leaks and choosing efficient appliances, are widespread. While the area does not face significant water scarcity, these proactive measures help ensure a sustainable water supply for the future.

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Transportation efficiency in Ider, AL, has room for improvement, given its rural setting and reliance on personal vehicles. Efforts have been made to promote carpooling among residents to reduce the number of vehicles on the road and lower carbon emissions. The town lacks extensive public transportation options due to its small population and geographic spread, but there is a community van service for seniors and people with disabilities. Local businesses are supported to create a more walkable community by enhancing the pedestrian infrastructure, like sidewalks and crosswalks. Initiatives to install electric vehicle charging stations are underway, anticipating a future increase in electric car ownership. The local government is exploring grant opportunities to fund transportation projects that could increase efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

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Waste management in Ider, AL, is characterized by concerted efforts to reduce landfill dependency through recycling programs and waste reduction initiatives. The local government has implemented a curbside recycling pickup service, encouraging residents to separate recyclables from regular trash. Composting has been promoted as both a waste reduction and soil improvement method, with educational workshops provided to the community. Businesses are incentivized to minimize packaging waste and participate in material recovery efforts. The town has experienced a decrease in waste generation per capita due to these policies, along with an increase in waste diversion rates from landfills to more sustainable disposal methods. A robust hazardous waste collection system ensures proper disposal of electronics, batteries, and other potentially harmful toxins.