
Honolulu personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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Honolulu, the vibrant capital of Hawaii, is located on Oahu Island. Famous for Waikiki Beach, Pearl Harbor's WWII memorials, and the Diamond Head volcanic cone, it's a hub for Hawaiian culture and tropical climate. With a diverse population, it's a culinary and shopping destination, hosting the annual Honolulu Festival celebrating Pacific culture. Honolulu blends urban sophistication with the allure of island paradise.

incentives available in Honolulu for...
energy icon


Honolulu's energy efficiency initiatives are centered around a shift to renewable resources and reduction in fossil fuel reliance. Hawaii has a Renewable Portfolio Standard, aiming for 100% renewable energy by 2045, and Honolulu is contributing with solar installations and wind energy projects. Strategies have been implemented to enhance the energy efficiency of buildings through better design and retrofitting. Incentives such as tax credits for solar water heaters and photovoltaic systems are encouraging homeowners to invest in clean energy. Public facilities have been upgraded with energy-efficient lighting and climate control systems. The city has also invested in smart grid technology to better manage energy use. Honolulu's Energy Benchmarking Program helps track and monitor the energy performance of commercial buildings. Transportation electrification is supported by a growing network of electric vehicle charging stations. Moreover, energy education programs are educating residents about conservation methods and the benefits of energy-efficient appliances. Solar farms are increasingly noticeable in the landscape, contributing significantly to the Island's energy mix, while the push to utilize ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) technologies is reflective of Honolulu's commitment to innovative energy solutions.

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Honolulu's water efficiency is maintained through rigorous conservation programs and advanced resource management practices. The Board of Water Supply implements a tiered rate structure, incentivizing residents to conserve water and use it more efficiently. Leak detection and repair programs are in place to minimize water loss in the distribution system. Rain barrel catchment systems are promoted among residents for garden and landscaping use, reducing the demand on municipal water sources. Water-wise landscaping, employing native and drought-resistant plants, is encouraged to further reduce outdoor water consumption. Educational outreach programs aim to raise awareness about the importance of preserving Oahu's limited freshwater resources. The Honolulu Water Conservation and Efficiency Plan outlines strategies for sustainable water use, emphasizing the significance of both conservation and efficiency. Water reclamation and reuse systems have been developed for non-potable applications like irrigation and industrial processes. The city's fixed water infrastructure is regularly updated with efficient fixtures in public facilities. Innovative technologies for water purification and desalination are being explored to expand Honolulu's water supply capacity, ensuring resilience in the face of climate variability and population growth.

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Honolulu's transportation efficiency is gaining momentum with the introduction of better public transit options and sustainable mobility initiatives. The Honolulu Rail Transit Project is at the core of the city's efforts to offer a reliable alternative to personal vehicles, expected to ease traffic congestion and reduce carbon emissions once fully operational. The city has implemented Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) services, improving the speed and reliability of public bus services. Bicycle-sharing programs, such as Biki, have expanded, providing an eco-friendly transit option that complements the use of public transportation. Pedestrian-friendly city planning, including the development of walkable communities and improvements to sidewalks and crosswalks, encourages residents to walk more. Initiatives to promote ride-sharing and carpooling are in place to decrease the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the roads. The city has also incentivized the use of electric vehicles (EVs) through rebates and the expansion of public EV charging infrastructure. Honolulu is exploring the use of smart traffic management systems to optimize traffic flow and reduce idling time. Efforts to modernize the transportation fleet with more fuel-efficient buses are underway, reducing the overall environmental impact of the city's public transportation system.

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Honolulu's waste efficiency measures are committed to reducing landfill use through numerous recycling and waste reduction programs. Curbside recycling services allow for the convenient separation of paper, metals, and plastics, which are then processed locally or shipped to mainland facilities. The city also operates a number of redemption centers for HI-5 containers, where residents can redeem deposits on recyclable beverage containers. The bulky item pickup service helps residents dispose of large items responsibly, diverting them from landfills when possible. Green waste is collected and processed into compost, which is then made available to the public and used in city landscaping projects. Electronic waste recycling programs prevent harmful substances from entering the environment. Public awareness campaigns have been promoting the 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' mantra to encourage more sustainable consumer behavior. The H-Power waste-to-energy facility plays a crucial role in reducing the volume of waste, converting it into electricity and thus reducing the need for additional landfills. Honolulu is investigating innovative solutions like anaerobic digestion to divert organic waste from landfills and the city has implemented measures to tackle marine debris affecting its beaches and coastal areas.