
Hilo personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Hilo, HI, is a scenic town on the Big Island known for its lush landscapes, waterfalls, and rich cultural history. It's home to the Merrie Monarch Festival, a world-famous hula competition, and is a gateway to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. The town boasts a vibrant farmers' market, the University of Hawaii at Hilo, and the Imiloa Astronomy Center. Hilo's rainfall nurtures its beautiful gardens and rainforests, making it a nature lover's paradise.

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energy icon


Hilo, HI, while relatively small, is notably progressive in its approach to energy efficiency. The city benefits from the state’s ambitious clean energy targets, aiming to reach 100% renewable energy by 2045. These goals are supported by incentives such as tax credits for solar energy installations and the adoption of energy-efficient appliances. Hilo has seen an increase in residential and commercial photovoltaic systems, contributing to a decrease in reliance on fossil fuels. Moreover, the Hawaii Electric Light Company, serving the island, has made strides in integrating renewable sources into its grid, mainly geothermal, wind, and solar. Energy efficiency programs have also been emphasized, with the promotion of LED lighting and energy-efficient appliances. The city's energy landscape is further characterized by various research initiatives, particularly from the University of Hawaii at Hilo, focusing on sustainable energy solutions tailored for the island's unique environment. Despite progress, Hilo faces challenges due to its isolated location, which impacts energy storage and distribution, but ongoing technological advancements and community engagement suggest a promising trajectory toward greater energy efficiency.

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Hilo is known for its high rainfall, which provides an abundant supply of fresh water, yet water efficiency remains a priority. The Department of Water Supply has implemented modern water conservation methods, including advanced metering infrastructure to accurately monitor water usage and detect leaks promptly. Public outreach campaigns promote water-saving practices, such as the use of low-flow fixtures and the importance of fixing household leaks. Residents are also encouraged to capture rainwater for non-potable uses through rebate programs. To maintain water quality, the city has strict watershed management protocols and engages in the restoration of natural forest habitats that serve as critical water catchment areas. Despite abundant resources, these conservation efforts are key to ensuring sustainable water use, as they address the occasional drought conditions and the need to manage stormwater runoff to prevent contamination. Infrastructure upgrades and the use of reclaimed water for irrigation are additional facets of Hilo’s comprehensive approach to water efficiency.

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Transportation efficiency in Hilo is gradually improving, as the city recognizes the importance of reducing traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. There is a push for multimodal transportation options, including a well-coordinated bus system known as the Hele-On Bus, which provides island-wide service aimed at reducing the dependency on personal vehicles. There are also bike-sharing programs and ongoing improvements to pedestrian infrastructure to encourage walking, thus promoting a healthier and more environmentally friendly community. To support the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs), Hilo is expanding its EV charging infrastructure, supported by state incentives such as parking benefits and rebates for EV purchases. Car-sharing services are also emerging as a convenient option for residents and tourists alike, reducing the number of cars on the road. However, given the island's topography and spread-out settlement patterns, a complete shift from private car use poses challenges. Investments in public transit and sustainable transportation infrastructure continue to be a priority to enhance the mobility of Hilo’s residents and visitors while minimizing environmental impact.

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Waste management in Hilo reflects a commitment to sustainability, with a strong focus on reducing landfill use through recycling and composting programs. The county encourages waste diversion by providing curbside recycling services and drop-off locations for green waste and recyclables. Efforts have been made to educate the community on proper waste sorting and the importance of reducing single-use plastics. The ‘Zero Waste Plan’ continues to be a guiding principle, aiming to minimize the overall waste footprint. Local businesses are incentivized to participate in waste reduction through various programs, and Hilo hosts events for hazardous waste collection to prevent improper disposal. A notable initiative is the food waste collection program aimed at turning organic waste into compost for local agricultural use. While these efforts are commendably reducing the city's waste, challenges remain in improving participation rates and handling the complexities of recycling certain materials. Nonetheless, Hilo's waste strategies demonstrate a growing awareness and proactive approach to waste management.