
Hillsdale personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $39,375

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $75
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $50
ENERGY Electrician $250
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $75
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $75

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residential energy savings


Hillsdale, MI, established in 1839, is a quaint city known for its Victorian architecture and the prestigious Hillsdale College. The city boasts picturesque parks, a rich history rooted in the Underground Railroad and sits near Baw Beese Lake, offering scenic beauty and recreational activities. Its vibrant community celebrates annual events like the County Fair, one of Michigan's oldest, exemplifying its small-town charm and close-knit atmosphere.

incentives available in Hillsdale for...
energy icon


In Hillsdale, MI, the energy landscape is characterized by a mix of traditional and renewable energy sources. Efforts to enhance energy efficiency are underway, driven by both environmental concerns and economic incentives. The city has seen a gradual increase in the adoption of solar energy systems, with local businesses and homeowners taking advantage of state-level tax incentives and federal tax credits to install photovoltaic panels. The Hillsdale Board of Public Utilities (HBPU) also offers programs to encourage energy efficiency, including rebates for the installation of energy-efficient appliances and lighting. Residents have shown a growing interest in energy audits to optimize household energy use. The local government has made strides in upgrading public facilities with energy-saving technologies such as LED streetlights. Additionally, the community is exploring wind energy potentials, with feasibility studies supported by grants from environmental agencies. The municipal commitment to reducing energy consumption is further highlighted by the promotion of green building standards in new construction projects.

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Water efficiency in Hillsdale is a high priority, with measures in place to ensure the sustainable management of this vital resource. The city's water treatment facilities employ advanced technologies to provide clean and safe drinking water while minimizing waste. Efforts to reduce water loss include regular monitoring of the water distribution system for leaks and upgrading infrastructure where needed. The Hillsdale Water Conservation Program incentivizes residents to use water-efficient appliances and fixtures through rebates and educational outreach. Rain barrels and rain gardens are promoted to capture stormwater, reducing runoff and relieving pressure on the sewage system. The local government also emphasizes the importance of protecting the surrounding watersheds through conservation easements and riparian buffer zones. Agricultural operations in the area are engaged in best management practices to reduce water usage and prevent contamination of waterways. Water rates are structured to encourage conservation, with higher prices for higher levels of usage.

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Transportation in Hillsdale reflects a balance between the convenience of personal vehicles and the promotion of sustainable transport options. The city has invested in infrastructure that supports pedestrian and bicycle travel, including bike lanes and improved sidewalks, to encourage alternative modes of transportation. Public transportation options are available through the Hillsdale Area Regional Service, which offers bus routes connecting key areas of the community and aims to reduce the number of cars on the road. Carpooling is promoted among residents and commuters, especially those traveling to nearby cities for work. Initiatives like the Hillsdale Go Green Challenge inspire residents to use eco-friendlier transport methods. Local businesses are engaged in efforts to reduce their transportation footprint by optimizing delivery routes and using fuel-efficient vehicles. There is also an increasing presence of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, supported by state incentives that help to encourage the adoption of EVs among the population. The city's long-term transportation plan prioritizes sustainability, aiming to reduce emissions and increase accessibility.

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Hillsdale's approach to waste management places a strong emphasis on reducing, reusing, and recycling. The city has a robust recycling program that accepts a wide range of materials, including plastics, paper, glass, and metals. Residents are encouraged to participate in curbside recycling services as well as periodic hazardous waste collection events. The local government has partnered with environmental organizations to educate the public on proper waste disposal and the negative impacts of landfill overuse. Efforts have been made to divert organic waste from landfills by promoting community composting programs. Businesses in Hillsdale have been incentivized to minimize waste through recognition programs that spotlight sustainable practices. To ensure efficient waste collection, the city has invested in a modernized fleet of waste management vehicles. These vehicles are equipped with technologies to reduce emissions and improve routing efficiency. Additionally, the city is exploring the implementation of a pay-as-you-throw system to further encourage waste reduction among residents.