Map/New York/Hauppauge

Hauppauge personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $43,271

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $50
ENERGY Electrician $1105
ENERGY Door and Window $1
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $5050
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $1000

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residential energy savings


Hauppauge, NY, is a hamlet in Suffolk County, Long Island, with a population of around 21,000. Known for its large industrial park, one of the East Coast's biggest, it plays a vital role in the region's economy. The name Hauppauge originates from the Native American term for "overflowed land". With its blend of residential areas and commercial development, Hauppauge serves as a suburban hub offering a high quality of life with access to various parks, schools, and community services. The area provides a harmonious balance of work and leisure for its residents.

incentives available in Hauppauge for...
energy icon


In Hauppauge, NY, efforts to improve energy efficiency have seen considerable advances, with a focus on reducing consumption and promoting sustainable practices. Residential and commercial buildings are encouraged to adopt energy-efficient appliances and lighting through various incentive programs. The implementation of smart grid technologies has facilitated better energy management and distribution, minimizing losses. Solar panel installations have been incentivized, leading to an increase in renewable energy generation within the community. Local businesses often receive tax credits for implementing energy-saving measures, and educational programs raise awareness about the benefits of energy conservation. The move towards LED street lighting has also contributed to reduced municipal energy expenses, improving public lighting efficiency. Moreover, energy audits are becoming more commonplace, helping homeowners and businesses identify and rectify energy inefficiencies.

energy icon


Water efficiency in Hauppauge is a key environmental focus, with the community taking steps to conserve this vital resource. Investments in water infrastructure have upgraded old systems, reducing leaks and water loss. Low-flow fixtures and appliances are promoted among residents through rebate programs, leading to significant savings in water usage. Rainwater harvesting systems are encouraged for irrigation purposes. Local ordinances require water-efficient landscaping in new developments, easing the strain on the municipal water supply. The town has also implemented tiered water pricing to incentivize conservation, where higher consumption leads to progressively higher rates. Educational outreach initiatives teach the importance of water conservation, and community involvement in clean-up efforts for local water bodies enhances water quality. Additionally, regular monitoring of water usage helps identify areas where further improvements can be made.

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Transportation efficiency in Hauppauge is an evolving aspect of the town's environmental efforts. There has been a push to improve public transportation options, reducing reliance on personal vehicles and lowering traffic congestion. The local bus service has been updated with more efficient and cleaner-running buses, offering residents an eco-friendly travel alternative. Incentives for carpooling and ridesharing programs have been introduced to decrease the number of cars on the road. Bike lanes and pedestrian walkways have been expanded to encourage non-motorized transport, promoting health benefits alongside reduced emissions. Efforts to facilitate electric vehicle (EV) adoption include the installation of EV charging stations. The town also engages in smart traffic management systems to reduce idling and improve the flow of traffic, contributing to lower air pollution. Lastly, the adoption of telecommuting policies by local businesses has played a role in reducing transportation demands.

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Waste management in Hauppauge has seen improvements, with the town adopting more sustainable waste handling practices. Recycling programs have expanded, allowing residents to recycle a broader range of materials. Diversion of organic waste for composting has reduced the volume of waste headed to landfills, and the local government actively promotes composting initiatives. Electronic waste collection events are organized periodically, preventing harmful substances from contaminating the environment. Businesses are encouraged to minimize waste by adopting circular economy principles, and some have received recognition for substantial waste reduction achievements. The introduction of single-stream recycling has simplified the process for residents, potentially increasing participation rates. Education on reducing, reusing, and recycling is provided in schools and community centers, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility.