
Hampton personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,170

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Electrician $40
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Hampton, VA is a historic city, home to Fort Monroe and the NASA Langley Research Center. With a rich Civil War history, it's also known for its beautiful beaches and the Hampton University.

incentives available in Hampton for...
energy icon


Hampton, VA, is actively engaged in improving energy efficiency through multiple initiatives. The city has adopted various green building policies to ensure new constructions adhere to high energy-efficient standards. Many homes and businesses have embraced the adoption of solar panels, supported by local incentives such as tax exemptions and rebates that make solar energy more affordable. The city has also retrofitted public buildings with energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, further reducing municipal energy consumption. A notable project includes the conversion of streetlights to LED technology, which offers significant energy savings and better lighting quality. The local utility company offers energy audits and rebates to residents for installing energy-efficient appliances and making home energy efficiency improvements. There's an increasing interest in renewable energy community projects, which aim to provide a cleaner mix of power sources for the residents. Energy education programs are in place to inform citizens about the benefits of energy conservation, and the city fosters a culture of sustainable living through community outreach programs. The transition towards more sustainable forms of energy in Hampton is evident in the rising number of electric vehicle charging stations, encouraging the shift from fossil fuels to electricity for transportation needs.

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Water efficiency in Hampton, VA, is a priority given its coastal location and the challenges posed by sea-level rise and climate change. The city has implemented advanced water treatment technologies ensuring clean, safe drinking water for residents while minimizing waste. Stormwater management practices are in force to protect the quality of local water bodies by controlling runoff and reducing pollution. Efficient irrigation systems in public spaces reduce water consumption, and there is ongoing investment in green infrastructure to manage water sustainably. The city's water conservation programs encourage residents to save water through the use of low-flow fixtures and water-efficient appliances, supported by rebate programs. Hampton promotes the use of rain barrels and cisterns for rainwater harvesting, providing an alternative water source for landscaping and non-potable uses. Water utility operations are constantly monitored and optimized for efficiency, reducing leaks and unnecessary water loss. Educational outreach is strong, with the city hosting workshops on water-wise landscaping and water conservation methods. Hampton's commitment to preserving its water resources is further illustrated by its active participation in regional water planning efforts, ensuring a long-term, sustainable supply of water for its community.

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Transportation in Hampton, VA, has undergone significant changes with a strong emphasis on efficiency and sustainability. The city has improved public transit options, with bus services becoming more frequent and reliable, enabling residents to choose public transportation over personal vehicles. Investments in cycling infrastructure, such as dedicated bike lanes and bike-sharing programs, promote cycling as a healthy and eco-friendly mode of transport. Hampton's walkability has been enhanced through well-maintained sidewalks and pedestrian-friendly urban design, encouraging walking for short trips. The city also supports carpooling and ride-sharing services to reduce the number of cars on the road, thereby decreasing traffic congestion and emissions. Initiatives to promote electric and hybrid vehicles are evident, with an increasing number of charging stations available throughout the city. The city's transportation planning includes considerations for resilience and adaptability to future changes, including the potential impacts of climate change. Regional collaboration on transportation issues ensures that Hampton's efforts are part of a larger, more comprehensive approach to improving mobility and reducing environmental impact across the metropolitan area.

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Waste management in Hampton, VA, is characterized by a comprehensive approach that emphasizes reduction, reuse, and recycling. The city provides curbside collection of recyclables and has streamlined its processes to make recycling easier and more efficient for residents. A robust public awareness campaign informs residents about the importance of proper waste sorting and the environmental impact of waste. Hampton has invested in modern recycling facilities and partners with regional authorities to manage various waste streams effectively. Local businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through a mix of incentives and support programs, emphasizing the economic benefits of waste reduction practices. The city has also pioneered the use of technology in waste management, with initiatives such as automated collection systems and waste-to-energy projects. Residents have access to hazardous waste disposal services, ensuring harmful materials are handled safely and don't contaminate the environment. The focus on composting has grown, reducing organic waste and creating valuable soil amendments for community gardens. The city's waste management policies support a circular economy model, aiming to keep materials in use for as long as possible, thereby reducing the overall environmental footprint.