
Greenwood personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $51,930

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $25
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $50
ENERGY Electrician $75
ENERGY Insulation $100
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $25
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $5700
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $500

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residential energy savings


Greenwood, IN, is a vibrant suburb situated south of Indianapolis, known for its family-friendly atmosphere, diverse economy, and growth in retail and services. Boasting excellent parks, schools, and the historic Greenwood Park Mall, the city blends community spirit with modern amenities. Its annual Greenwood Freedom Festival celebrates the town’s close-knit community and patriotic spirit.

incentives available in Greenwood for...
energy icon


Greenwood, IN has been making strides in improving its energy efficiency through various initiatives and programs. The city has encouraged the adoption of energy-efficient appliances and lighting by providing information and resources to residents. Local businesses have been incentivized to upgrade their facilities with energy-saving technologies, leading to a reduction in energy consumption. The development of solar projects is also evident, as more solar panels are being installed on residential and commercial properties, taking advantage of Indiana's net metering policies. The city's commitment to renewable energy is further underscored by its support for wind power in the wider region. Efforts to retrofit older buildings with better insulation and energy-efficient windows have paid dividends, leading to reduced energy costs and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The municipality has also been proactive in conducting energy audits for public buildings, setting an example for the private sector. Education programs have raised awareness among citizens about the importance of energy conservation. Through community events and school initiatives, the younger generation is being taught the value of sustainability and energy efficiency. The use of LED streetlights throughout the city has reduced municipal energy costs and improved nighttime visibility.

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Greenwood's water efficiency efforts are evident in its robust water management strategies and infrastructure improvements. The city has invested in upgrading its water treatment facilities to enhance the quality and efficiency of water service. Leak detection programs have been implemented to proactively identify and repair water main breaks, reducing water loss and conserving this vital resource. Rainwater harvesting systems have gained popularity among residents and businesses, supported by educational programs on their environmental and financial benefits. Water-efficient landscaping practices, such as the use of native plants and xeriscaping, are being adopted to minimize irrigation needs. The city encourages the installation of low-flow faucets, showers, and toilets through rebate programs, further reducing household water consumption. Smart metering technology is being rolled out to provide real-time water usage data to consumers, enabling more informed decision-making. Greenwood is also actively protecting its watershed by enforcing strict regulations on pollutants and investing in green infrastructure to manage stormwater runoff. The city's collaboration with agricultural sectors aims to reduce water usage and prevent contamination through the promotion of efficient irrigation systems and sustainable farming practices.

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Transportation efficiency in Greenwood is on the rise, with a focus on improving public transit and promoting sustainable mobility. The city has expanded its public bus services, providing more routes and increasing frequency to offer a viable alternative to private car use. Efforts to create a more walkable and bike-friendly environment are visible in the construction of new sidewalks, bike lanes, and multi-use trails. The introduction of electric vehicle charging stations throughout the city reflects Greenwood's support for clean transportation. Car-sharing services and ride-hailing apps have been integrated into the city's transportation network, providing flexible and eco-friendly options for residents. The promotion of telecommuting and flexible work hours by local employers has led to reduced traffic congestion during peak hours. Initiatives such as 'Bike to Work Day' and 'Car-Free Days' have been organized to raise awareness of the benefits of alternative transportation modes. Greenwood's investment in traffic signal optimization has improved traffic flow and reduced idling times, leading to lower vehicle emissions. The city is exploring the feasibility of smart transportation technologies, including adaptive traffic signals and real-time traffic management systems, to further enhance transportation efficiency.

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In Greenwood, waste efficiency has improved due to rigorous recycling programs and responsible waste management practices. Curbside recycling services have expanded to include a wider range of materials, making it easier for residents to participate in recycling efforts. The city has established electronic waste collection events to safely dispose of e-waste and prevent toxic materials from entering the landfill. A comprehensive composting program has been promoted to reduce organic waste and produce nutrient-rich soil amendments for local gardening and agricultural use. The city council has also supported the development of a local materials recovery facility, which has improved the sorting and processing of recyclables. Education campaigns on waste reduction have been effective, with schools and community organizations leading the way in spreading the message. Businesses are encouraged to implement sustainable practices like using biodegradable packaging and reducing single-use plastics. The implementation of a pay-as-you-throw system has incentivized residents to generate less waste by charging based on the amount of trash produced. The waste-to-energy initiatives are in exploratory stages, aiming to convert non-recyclable waste into a source of energy. Greenwood's active participation in statewide waste management coalitions has fostered the sharing of best practices and the pursuit of innovative solutions.