
Greenwich personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Greenwich, CT, is a prestigious town known for its affluent residents, historic charm, and scenic coastline along the Long Island Sound. Established in 1640, it's part of the New York metropolitan area and often ranks as one of the wealthiest communities in the US. Notable for its excellent schools, abundant parks, and luxury shopping on Greenwich Avenue, the town also hosts the Greenwich International Film Festival. With a rich maritime history and numerous hedge funds and financial service companies headquartered here, Greenwich is a blend of New England tradition and modern sophistication.

incentives available in Greenwich for...
energy icon


Greenwich, CT has been making strides in energy efficiency with a focus on renewable energy sources and sustainable practices. The town has initiated several solar panel installations on public buildings, reducing reliance on non-renewable sources. Residents are incentivized to participate in energy conservation programs, such as the Home Energy Solutions program, which provides energy assessments and upgrades. The municipal government has set goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and local businesses are encouraged to adopt energy-efficient technologies. LED street lighting is now commonplace, further reducing the town's energy consumption. Moreover, there has been a concerted effort to increase public awareness around energy saving, with educational programs aimed at both adults and children. With these initiatives, Greenwich's energy footprint has been on a downward trend, showcasing a commitment to a sustainable future.

energy icon


Water efficiency in Greenwich, CT is paramount, with numerous initiatives aimed at conserving this vital resource. The town has invested in modernizing its water infrastructure to reduce leaks and ensure the efficient delivery of water to homes and businesses. Water-saving appliances and fixtures are actively promoted through rebate programs for residents who upgrade to more efficient models. Landscaping regulations encourage the use of native plants that require less irrigation, and rain barrel distribution programs help residents conserve rainwater for outdoor use. The town's water treatment facilities are equipped with advanced technology to ensure clean water is both provided to the public and returned to the environment safely. Educational outreach programs have been successful in raising awareness about the importance of water conservation. Furthermore, there are ongoing studies to assess local water bodies to better manage and protect these ecosystems.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Greenwich, CT has improved through the integration of sustainable transport options and infrastructure upgrades. The town has invested in enhancing public transportation services, including more frequent bus routes and the maintenance of clean and efficient train services connecting to neighboring areas. There are incentives for carpooling and the use of electric vehicles (EVs), with an increasing number of EV charging stations being installed throughout the town. Bike-sharing programs and well-maintained bike lanes encourage residents to opt for cycling over driving. For pedestrian convenience and safety, sidewalks and crosswalks are routinely upgraded. Initiatives to reduce traffic congestion, like synchronized traffic lights and designated turning lanes, have contributed to a more efficient flow of vehicles. The town also participates in regional transportation planning efforts to ensure that its local policies align with broader sustainability goals and to improve connectivity.

energy icon


Waste management in Greenwich, CT has become increasingly efficient, with comprehensive recycling programs and waste reduction initiatives. The town has implemented single-stream recycling, making it easier for residents to recycle a wide range of materials. Moreover, there is a strong push towards composting organic waste, with several community composting sites now operational. The town's regulations also encourage businesses to minimize packaging and use biodegradable alternatives. Electronic waste collection events and hazardous waste disposal days are scheduled periodically to ensure the proper treatment of these materials. A notable effort has been the promotion of a 'Zero Waste' goal, aiming to significantly reduce landfill contributions through education, policy, and practice. The town has also introduced incentives for businesses that demonstrate significant waste reduction and sustainability efforts.