
Greenville personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,455

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4075
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Greenville, AL, known as the "Camellia City," is the county seat of Butler County with a rich history in the Black Belt region. Its economy is driven by manufacturing, retail, and education, with Lurleen B. Wallace Community College contributing to local growth. Historical landmarks include the Confederate Park and the Butler County Courthouse. The city hosts the annual Butler County Fair and is celebrated for its Southern hospitality and community events. Greenville boasts a temperate climate and a strategic location on Interstate 65, making it a hub for travel and commerce in South Central Alabama.

incentives available in Greenville for...
energy icon


Greenville, AL has made significant strides in energy efficiency, focusing on reducing consumption and investing in renewable sources. The city has implemented a solar incentives program, encouraging residential and commercial property owners to install solar panels with tax rebates and credits. The downtown revitalization project has incorporated energy-efficient lighting and appliances in all new constructions and renovations. Additionally, the Greenville Energy Challenge promotes community engagement in reducing energy use, offering rewards for the most energy-efficient homes and businesses. Public buildings have been retrofitted with advanced HVAC systems to lower energy demands, and the local power plant has upgraded to cleaner technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The city has also partnered with state initiatives to provide energy audits for homeowners, leading to the adoption of more efficient insulation and windows. Local businesses have been incentivized to upgrade to energy-efficient equipment, resulting in noticeable reductions in the city's overall energy consumption.

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Greenville, AL has made conservation and water quality a priority, with initiatives that ensure the sustainable management of its water resources. The Greenville Water Efficiency Program offers incentives for residents and businesses that install water-saving devices like low-flow faucets and toilets. Rainwater harvesting systems have been subsidized, promoting their use for irrigation and reducing stormwater runoff. The city's infrastructure upgrades include replacing old water lines to minimize leaks and water loss. Regular water quality assessments are carried out to ensure compliance with safety standards, keeping Greenville's water clean and safe. An educational outreach program, 'Water-Wise Greenville', increases public awareness about the importance of conserving water at home and in businesses. The city also implements strict industrial wastewater treatment regulations, ensuring that local manufacturing does not compromise water quality. Drought-resistant landscaping is increasingly popular due to city-led initiatives, decreasing the need for watering during dry spells.

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Transportation in Greenville, AL has evolved with an emphasis on efficiency and reduced environmental impact. The city has expanded its public transportation system, with a focus on fuel-efficient buses and optimized routing to serve the most commuters. Bicycle lanes and pedestrian paths have been added to encourage non-motorized forms of transportation, supported by a 'Bike Greenville' campaign that provides maps and resources for cyclists. The Greenville Ride Share program matches commuters to carpool opportunities, reducing the number of vehicles on the road. Electric vehicle charging stations have been installed throughout the city, supported by state and local incentives for residents who choose electric or hybrid vehicles. Traffic signal synchronization has been improved to reduce idling time and vehicle emissions. The Greenville Transit Authority holds regular workshops on sustainable transportation planning, encouraging public input to guide future developments. The city's transportation policies reflect a commitment to a greener, more efficient system.

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Waste management in Greenville, AL has improved through various programs ensuring efficient waste disposal and recycling. The city introduced a comprehensive recycling program that accepts plastics, metals, paper, and glass, reducing the volume of waste sent to landfills. The Greenville Waste Reduction Initiative encourages businesses to minimize waste by streamlining operations and adopting sustainable practices. A city-run hazardous waste disposal event occurs annually, safely collecting items like electronics, batteries, and chemicals. The 'Greenville Composts' program has been successful in diverting organic waste from landfills, turning it into nutrient-rich compost for local gardens and landscaping. The city's waste collection fleet has been updated with vehicles running on compressed natural gas to lower carbon emissions. A public education campaign focuses on the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling, with schools incorporating waste management into their curriculums. Businesses that demonstrate exceptional waste reduction efforts are recognized with the Greenville Green Business Award.