
Greensboro personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,455

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4075
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Greensboro, Alabama, established in 1823, is known as the "Catfish Capital of Alabama." With a population of around 2,400, this charming city in Hale County retains historical architecture like the Magnolia Grove mansion. Greensboro contributes significantly to the local economy through agriculture and catfish farming. It also played a role in the Civil Rights Movement, with the Safe House Museum commemorating those efforts. Despite its small size, Greensboro boasts a rich cultural heritage and a strong sense of community.

incentives available in Greensboro for...
energy icon


Greensboro, Alabama, has made strides in energy efficiency through various initiatives. The city has incentivized the adoption of energy-efficient appliances in homes and businesses, offering rebates and tax credits for those who upgrade. Local utility companies have also implemented demand response programs to encourage less energy use during peak hours. The introduction of LED street lighting has significantly reduced municipal energy consumption. Solar energy use is on the rise, with several farms and homes installing photovoltaic systems to generate clean electricity. The Greensboro Energy Authority has been active in promoting sustainable energy practices and has helped fund energy audits for older buildings to identify opportunities for energy conservation. Despite these efforts, the city continues to face challenges due to its reliance on older, inefficient infrastructure, which is slowly being updated to meet modern energy standards. The community has shown support for renewable energy projects, and there's potential for wind energy development given the region's characteristics. Industry collaborations have been critical in bringing energy-efficient technologies to local manufacturing, reducing both costs and environmental impact.

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Water efficiency in Greensboro, AL, has been a focus of the city's sustainability efforts. The public utilities have upgraded water infrastructure to reduce leakage and conserve this vital resource. Water-saving devices have been installed in public buildings, and residents have been encouraged to use water-efficient appliances through rebate programs. The city has also implemented tiered water pricing to incentivize conservation, with higher rates for excessive use. Rainwater harvesting systems have been promoted among homeowners for garden and lawn irrigation, lessening the demand on the municipal water supply. Educational programs in schools and community centers highlight the importance of preserving water resources. The city's wastewater treatment facilities have been updated to improve water quality before it is released back into the environment. There are ongoing initiatives to protect local waterways from pollution through community clean-ups and the establishment of buffer zones along rivers and streams. While these efforts have led to improvements, the agricultural sector's water usage still presents a challenge, with efforts to introduce more water-efficient farming practices in-progress.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Greensboro, AL, has been a growing area of development. The city has invested in upgrading its public transportation fleet to include more fuel-efficient buses, reducing both emissions and operational costs. Bike-sharing programs and the installation of new bike lanes encourage cycling as a viable and eco-friendly transportation alternative. Pedestrian-friendly initiatives, such as improved sidewalks and crosswalks, have been implemented to make walking more accessible and safe. Carpooling and ride-share services have been supported to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. The local government has also supported the installation of electric vehicle charging stations to accommodate and promote the use of electric cars. Efforts to streamline traffic flow through intelligent transportation systems have helped reduce congestion and associated emissions. While these initiatives have positively impacted Greensboro's transportation efficiency, the rural nature of the surrounding area poses challenges to extensive public transportation reach, leaving room for further improvements.

energy icon


Waste management in Greensboro, AL, has seen improvement through the implementation of comprehensive recycling programs. The city has established several recycling drop-off centers, making it convenient for residents to recycle plastics, glass, paper, and metals. Curbside recycling services have been expanded to cover more neighborhoods, promoting higher participation rates among residents. The local government has also begun educational campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of reducing waste and properly sorting recyclables. Businesses in Greensboro have been encouraged to minimize waste through incentives like waste audit services and recognition programs for sustainable practices. Yard waste collection has become more efficient, with mulching and composting programs turning organic waste into useful landscaping materials. Electronic waste recycling events are periodically organized to handle the disposals of electronics responsibly. Efforts to combat illegal dumping have been reinforced with stricter enforcement and public reporting initiatives. Despite progress, challenges remain in managing construction and demolition waste, which requires targeted strategies for reuse and recycling.