Map/New York/Flushing

Flushing personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $40,465

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Electrician $2000
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
ENERGY Plumbing $840

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residential energy savings


Flushing, NY, is a vibrant and diverse neighborhood in Queens with a rich history dating back to 1645. Known for its bustling Chinatown, it's one of the largest and fastest-growing Asian communities in New York City. Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, site of the 1939 and 1964 World's Fairs, boasts iconic landmarks like the Unisphere and Queens Museum. The neighborhood also offers a dynamic food scene, ranging from authentic Asian cuisine to other international flavors, and is a hub for shopping and cultural events. With its diverse population and cultural richness, Flushing is a microcosm of global cultures and a cornerstone of Queens' identity.

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energy icon


Flushing, NY, has seen a substantial effort in improving energy efficiency in recent years. With a diverse landscape of residential and commercial structures, the community has invested in energy-efficient appliances and lighting. Local initiatives encourage the retrofitting of older buildings with insulation and energy-efficient windows to reduce heating and cooling costs. Solar panel installations have become more common, facilitated by state incentives such as NY-Sun and tax credits. The adoption of LED streetlights by the municipal government has reduced public energy consumption. Local businesses have been participating in the Con Edison Energy Efficiency programs, which offer rebates and incentives for energy conservation. Flushing's proximity to utility-scale renewable energy projects also contributes to the greener energy mix used by the community. Energy education programs are in place to increase awareness about consumption and sustainability among residents. Smart meters and energy management systems are increasingly used to monitor and optimize energy usage in real-time.

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Water conservation and quality are high priorities in Flushing, NY. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) enforces stringent water quality standards, ensuring that tap water is safe and clean. Investments in green infrastructure, such as permeable pavements and rain gardens, help manage stormwater runoff and reduce the burden on the sewer system. The city has an ongoing program to replace old lead pipes to minimize contamination risks. Water efficiency is promoted through the use of low-flow fixtures in homes and public buildings. Incentives for the installation of water-efficient appliances are offered to residents. Educational campaigns aim to raise awareness of water-saving techniques, such as fixing leaks promptly and using water-conserving irrigation systems. The DEP's Water Challenge program engages hotels, restaurants, and other businesses in conserving water. Water metering is widespread, providing homeowners with detailed consumption data to encourage conscious usage.

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Transportation in Flushing, NY, has seen advancements in efficiency and sustainability. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) operates an extensive network of buses and subways, providing viable alternatives to car travel. Efforts to increase the use of public transportation are evidenced by improvements in service frequency and the modernization of the transit system. The city's bike-sharing program, Citi Bike, has expanded to Flushing, promoting cycling as an eco-friendly mode of transport. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations have been installed in key locations, and incentive programs exist for residents purchasing EVs. Traffic flow improvements, including smart traffic signals, contribute to reduced congestion and emissions. Carpooling and rideshare services are supported and encouraged through local policies. Initiatives like 'Car-Free Day' raise awareness of the environmental impact of driving and encourage the use of greener transportation modes. Improved pedestrian pathways and the creation of public plazas have enhanced walkability in the neighborhood.

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Waste management in Flushing, NY, focuses on reduction, reuse, and recycling as key components to efficiency. The Department of Sanitation has implemented a robust curbside recycling program, accepting a wide variety of materials, and offers special collection days for hazardous waste. Composting programs have gained popularity, with community gardens and local farms accepting organic waste for composting. The city has introduced initiatives to promote the recycling of electronic waste, providing drop-off locations to prevent harmful substances from entering landfills. Businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through the Business Recycling Rules, which mandate recycling practices. Public education campaigns highlight the importance of waste sorting and reducing single-use plastics. Zero-waste events and the 'Zero Waste Challenge' encourage businesses and residents to adopt sustainable waste habits. Local non-profits collaborate with the community to facilitate the reuse of goods through donation and exchange programs.