
Flemingsburg personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Flemingsburg, KY, established in 1797, is known as the Covered Bridge Capital of Kentucky. With a population of around 2,800, it proudly preserves historic structures, including the famous Goddard White Covered Bridge. This small town serves as a hub for local agriculture and hosts the annual Flemingsburg Court Days, celebrating community and tradition.

incentives available in Flemingsburg for...
energy icon


Flemingsburg, Kentucky, has striven to improve its energy efficiency through a variety of initiatives. The local government has incentivized the adoption of LED streetlighting which has significantly reduced the city's energy consumption. Additionally, several businesses and households have taken advantage of tax rebates offered for installing energy-efficient appliances and HVAC systems. Solar panel installations have seen a rise, supported by net metering policies allowing residents to sell excess power back to the grid. The city's efforts to upgrade insulation in public buildings have also led to reduced energy use. Moreover, a local campaign encourages citizens to conduct energy audits to optimize home energy use. The community has also seen a growth in the number of energy star-certified buildings, further contributing to energy conservation. The city's commitment to renewable energy is also evident through small-scale hydroelectric projects that utilize nearby water sources for clean power generation.

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Water conservation in Flemingsburg is of paramount importance due to its location and the need to sustainably manage this vital resource. The city has invested in modernizing its water treatment facility, leading to more efficient operations and cleaner water output. Water-saving fixtures in public restrooms and buildings are standard, thanks to local regulations. Incentives for rainwater harvesting in residential areas have seen a growing number of rain barrels and cisterns being installed. Flemingsburg has also implemented smart metering for water usage, providing residents with detailed insights into their consumption patterns and facilitating leak detection. A tiered pricing system has been established to encourage conservation; higher rates are charged for increased usage, leading to a notable decrease in overall water consumption. The city regularly checks and maintains its infrastructure to prevent water loss from leaks, and landscape ordinances promote the use of native plants that require less watering.

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Transportation efficiency in Flemingsburg is geared towards reducing emissions and facilitating mobility in an eco-friendly manner. The city has seen the introduction of hybrid vehicles into the municipal fleet, fostering a reduction in the carbon footprint. A local bike-share program has been established, encouraging residents to opt for cycling over driving for short trips. The city's infrastructure has been improved to be more pedestrian-friendly with the addition of new sidewalks and crosswalks, making walking a safer and more attractive option. Public transportation, though limited, has been optimized with route adjustments for better service and efficiency. Flemingsburg also offers incentives for carpooling, and there is an active campaign to promote telecommuting to decrease commuter traffic. To combat congestion and reduce emissions, traffic signal timing has been optimized. The local government is exploring the feasibility of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations to support the adoption of EVs by the community.

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The waste management system in Flemingsburg has increasingly emphasized recycling and reduction of landfill reliance. Residents participate in a curbside recycling program that accepts paper, plastic, and glass, thereby diverting a substantial amount of waste from landfills. Flemingsburg's local government has also promoted composting, offering compost bins at subsidized rates to reduce organic waste. The city's annual 'Clean-Up Day' encourages people to dispose of hazardous waste responsibly, with special drop-off points for items like electronics and batteries. Businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through a recognition program that highlights sustainable practices. In addition, the city has partnered with local schools to educate students on waste reduction and has seen a reduction in overall waste generation due to increased public awareness campaigns. The introduction of a waste-to-energy plant is under consideration, which could further revolutionize the city’s approach to waste management.